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0.32 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Cloud-utils 0.32 is released.


Changelog for 0.32:
 - readme: add where to file bugs [Joshua Powers]
 - README: Add initial readme for project [Joshua Powers]
 - Support the new ec2metadata fields [Fred Vogt] (LP: #1894344)
 - Use test/run-all under c-i. [Scott Moser]
 - Add a 'tests/run-all' to easily run all the test/test* files.
   [Scott Moser]
 - Fix bad variable use. [Scott Moser]
 - tox: shellcheck: workaround false positives [Paride Legovini]
 - tox: add the test/* scripts to the shellcheck run [Paride Legovini]
 - Whitespace cleanups. [Scott Moser]
 - Growpart fix undefined variable in growpart error message. [Scott Moser]
 - Add test for growpart lvm resize. [Scott Moser]
 - Growpart: add support for resizing an lvm pv after growing the
   partition. [Scott Moser] (LP: #1799953)
 - Make resize functions return, so unlock_disk_and_settle is called.
   [Scott Moser]
 - CI: rename the "tip" tox environments to tip-* [Paride Legovini]
 - CI: pin the shellcheck version and add a shellcheck-tip environment
   [Paride Legovini]
 - CI: make shellcheck check tools/* [Paride Legovini]
 - IMDSv2 session token support (#1) [Paride Legovini] (LP: #1870244)
 - growpart: parse the kernel version in a more robust way (#2)
   [Paride Legovini] (LP: #1881014)
 - Fix some pylint, flake8, shellcheck issues and add basic CI (#4)
   [Paride Legovini]
 - growpart: Do not fail if only sgdisk is available. [Scott Moser]
 - growpart: Fix reading sector size with newer sgdisk versions.
   [Scott Moser]
 - growpart: Fail on unknown values of GROWPART_RESIZER. [Scott Moser]
 - debian/tests: fix GROWPART_RESIZER value in 'runtests' function.
   [Scott Moser]
 - cloud-image-utils: Add depends on fdisk, drop e2fsprogs
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1876139)
 - growpart: add flock support to prevent udev races
   [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1834875)
 - Drop the python2 only cloud-utils-euca package and tools.
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1850257)
 - test-growpart: fix logic error resulting in test failure.
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1842682)
 - Fix race condition in test-growpart teardown seen on ppc64el.
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1836593)
 - growpart: Fix bug when file image ends in a digit.
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1835124)
 - Fix spelling error in ec2metadata (--reserveration-id).
   [Scott Moser] (LP: #1810857)
 - tools: rename export-tarball to make-tarball. [Scott Moser]

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.32.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 10,817
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 10,817

0.31 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Cloud-utils 0.31 is released.

There are several fixes in this upstream release.

One notable change is that upstream development has been moved
from bzr to git. Please update references to source code to point at

Thanks to new contributors for the following:

 - growpart: fix bug when resizing a middle partition with sgdisk
   (LP: #1706751) [Fred De Backer]
 - growpart: Resolve symbolic links before operating.
   [Kevin Locke] (LP: #1744406)
 - growpart: fix bug occurring if start sector and size were the same.
   [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1807171)


- mount-image-callback: mount with -o 'rw' or -o 'ro' (LP: #1663722)
 - mount-image-callback: run blockdev and udevadm settle on nbd devices.
   (LP: #1741096, 1741300)
 - mount-image-callback: Drop support for mounting lxd containers.
   (LP: #1715994)
 - growpart: fix bug that stopped GPT disks from being grown past 2TB.
   (LP: #1762748)
 - mount-image-callback: mention --help and -C/--cd-mountpoint in Usage
 - growpart: fix bug when resizing a middle partition with sgdisk
   (LP: #1706751) [Fred De Backer]
 - growpart: Resolve symbolic links before operating.
   [Kevin Locke] (LP: #1744406)
 - growpart: fix bug occurring if start sector and size were the same.
   [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1807171)
 - debian/control: drop Suggests on lxc1
 - debian/tests/control: add test growpart-start-matches-size.
 - White space cleanup. Remove trailing space and tabs.
 - Move to git.

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.31.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 4,089
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 4,089

0.30 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

0.30 has a few bug fixes, and adds new feature for mount-image-callback to work with local lxd containers.


 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: fix xenial default to be ebs-ssd
    as traditional ebs are no longer available. (LP: #1593451)
 - mount-image-callback: fix shortopt parsing (LP: #1604011)
 - growpart: improved error messages on failure.
 - mount-image-callback: add -S short flag for --system-mounts
 - growpart: ignore sfdisk failure in 2.28.1 when due to reread failing
   (LP: #1619285)
 - mount-image-callback: support 'overlay' filesystem type rather
   than ubuntu specific 'overlayfs' (LP: #1493188)
 - mount-image-callback: support 'chroot' to lxd containers and
   correctly apply user namespace change.

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.30.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 705
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 705

0.29 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

0.29 collects up 4 fixes to 0.28. The most important of which is a bug in growpart when used with newer versions of partx (bug 1587971).


 - cloud-localds: fix creation of vfat filesystems (LP: #1431537)
   [Kamal Mostafa]
 - cloud-localds: better errors on missing vfat tools and
   Suggest mtools (LP: #1431533).
 - growpart: fix use of partx for newer util-linux versions (LP: #1587971)
   [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
 - Add license file (LP: #1294338)

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.29.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 891
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 891

0.28 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: change default release to 'xenial'
 - growpart: fix some issues in error path reporting
 - growpart: capture output of 'partx --help' as older versions
   do not support that flag, and send output to stderr.
 - add 'vcs-run' utility for easily executing / bootstrapping
   from a version control system (hg, git, bzr)
 - cloud-localds: add man page [Thomas Bechtold]
 - cloud-localds: only use qemu-img convert if output format is not 'raw'
 - cloud-localds: add '--hostname' flag to specify local-hostname in
 - cloud-publish-image: add '--architecture' when using 'register'
 - cloud-publish-image: improvements to -v (debugging)
 - cloud-publish-image: pass through --root-device-name
 - cloud-run-instances: dropped (obsolete, not recommended)
 - dropped installation of (obsolete) ubuntu cloud-image keyring.
   See ubuntu package 'ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring'
 - add mount-image-callback
 - cloud-localds: make quiet by default (increase verbosity with '-v')
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: do not fail on no ami id found if no ami id is
   necessary for the output requested (ie, allow 'armhf' queries of url)
 - growpart: fix bug when growing partitions on disks > 2TB. (LP: #1259703)
 - growpart: run partx only on block devices (not files)
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: allow 'ppc64el', 'arm64' as input. (LP: #1273769)
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query, ubuntu-ec2-run: know about trusty
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: add '--arch' to specifically state the arch.
 - growpart: better --dry-run output for gpt disks, providing sgdisk command
   line that would be used.
 - ubuntu-ec2-run: know about more instance types
 - mount-image-callback: add '--partition' flag to mount other than first
 - ec2metadata, ubuntu-ec2-run, write-mime-multipart: move to python3
 - growpart: support sfdisk >= 2.26, and support gpt partitions with sfdisk
 - mount-image-callback: pass --format when invoking qemu-nbd (LP: #1492386)
 - mount-image-callback: add '--mountpoint' flag to mount to an existing dir
 - mount-image-callback: add '--overlay' to use overlayfs mounts
 - mount-image-callback: use qemu-nbd --read-only for safer read only
 - mount-image-callback: improved waiting for devices. part=auto now default.
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: support arch input of 'powerpc' and 's390x'
 - cloud-localds: support writing vendor-data and network config
 - cloud-localds: support --disk-format=tar, tar-seed-local and tar-seed-nonet
   to more easily use when populating a fs rather than a external disk.
 - pep8 and whitespace cleanups

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.28.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 75
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 75

0.27 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

The biggest changes in cloud-utils 0.27 are in growpart. growpart can now:
 * resize gpt partitions
 * use partx or parted to update kernel knowledge of partition table layout on disks that are currently mounted. This means that growing the root partition does not have to happen in the initramfs.


smoser@brickies:~/src/cloud-utils/trunk$ ./tools/make-dist-tarball 0.27
Branched 221 revisions.
wrote /home/smoser/src/cloud-utils/trunk/cloud-utils-0.27.tar.gz
smoser@brickies:~/src/cloud-utils/trunk$ tar tvzf cloud-utils-0.27.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 0 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 1636 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/ChangeLog
drwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 0 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/tools/
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 1833 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/tools/build-deb
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 527 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/tools/make-dist-tarball
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 839 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/Makefile
drwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 0 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/test/
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 1655 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/test/test-growpart
drwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 0 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 2108 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/cloud-publish-tarball.1
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 1010 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/resize-part-image.1
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 1353 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/cloud-run-instances.1
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 1237 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/write-mime-multipart.1
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 2375 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/cloud-publish-image.1
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 2272 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/man/growpart.1
drwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 0 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 3284 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/write-mime-multipart
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 4347 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/resize-part-image
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 26409 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/cloud-run-instances
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 8535 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/cloud-publish-tarball
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 17081 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/cloud-publish-image
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 8060 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/ubuntu-cloudimg-query
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 4854 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/cloud-publish-ubuntu
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 6558 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/ec2metadata
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 7465 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/ubuntu-ec2-run
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 4529 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/cloud-localds
-rwxrwxr-x smoser/smoser 16057 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/bin/growpart
-rw-rw-r-- smoser/smoser 1727 2013-03-27 09:11 cloud-utils-0.27/ubuntu-cloudimg-keyring.gpg.b64
smoser@brickies:~/src/cloud-utils/trunk$ vi ChangeLog

 - cloud-publish-image: add '--hook-img' flag to cloud-publish-image and
   passthrough that flag from cloud-publish-ubuntu and cloud-publish-tarball.
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: become aware of m3.* instance-sizes
 - fix make-dist-tarball to not have top level directory
   named 'cloud-init' (thanks Juerg Haefliger)
 - write-mime-multipart: add 'include-once-url' to the supported types.
 - growpart: add support for resizing GPT partitions by using sgdisk from
   gptfdisk project. Thanks to Juerg Haefliger.
 - growpart: add support for partx 'update' which allows resizing a partition
   that is mounted.
 - growpart: change exit codes. exit 1 on "no change necessary",
   0 on "grown", 2 on "failure". This allows other tools that use growpart to
  examine the exit status rather than parsing the output.

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.27.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 4,768
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 4,768

0.26 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Iterative fixes


 - install ubuntu cloud image keyring into /usr/share/keyrings/
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query, ubuntu-ec2-run:
   - be aware of m1.medium instance type
   - support "amd64 on all sizes"
   - be aware of hi1.4xlarge
   - always pass block device mapping for sdb if instance type has it
     rather than relying on ami registration.
 - when downloading images use wget dot:mega for less verbose
 - growpart:
   - use 'sfdisk --no-reread' (LP: #942788)
   - if sfdisk fails, send output to stderr
 - cloud-publish-tarball: fix for tarballs without a ramdisk
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: allow baseurl to be read from environment var
 - growpart: support growpart of nbd devices (/dev/nbd[0-9]) and
   /dev/loop devices.
 - add cloud-localds utility
 - ubuntu-cloudimg-query: add 'serial' to tokens availble for substitution

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.26.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 120
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
Total downloads: 120

0.25 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 * allow baseurl to be read from environment variable
 * use region default if EC2_URL is not recognized [bug fix]
 * be aware of cc2.8xlarge
 * clear EC2_URL when invoking ubuntu-cloudimg-query (better supporting
   non-ec2 clouds)
 * better support "loader" kernels, and allowing x86_64 loader kernel
   to be registered with i386 arch image.
 * be aware of 'cloud-config-archive' type files

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.25.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 65
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 65

0.24 release from the trunk series released

Release information

Add new tools:
 * ubuntu-cloudimg-query: command line tool for querying
 * ubuntu-ec2-run: command line tool for launching instances in ec2 by name
 * cloud-publish-ubuntu: command line tool for one-command populating of local cloud with cloud-images content
    Example: cloud-publish-ubuntu x86_64 oneiric cloud-images/

 * ec2metadata: minor cleanups

 * renamed scripts from uec- to cloud-

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.24.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 46
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 46

0.23 release from the 0.23 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon cloud-utils-0.23.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 43
last downloaded 36 weeks ago
Total downloads: 43