PPA available

Written for OpenCobolIDE by ColinDuquesnoy on 2013-12-08

OpenCobolIDE now have its own PPA: https://launchpad.net/~open-cobol-ide/+archive/stable

Run the following commands to install the IDE from the new ppa:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:open-cobol-ide/stable
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install open-cobol-ide

A OpenCobolIDE should appear in your launcher menu in the Programming/Development section.

WARNING: You must uninstall any previous version of pyqode.core, pyqode.widgets and OpenCobolIDE if you installed them using pip-3.3 or python3 setup.py install to avoid any conflicts.

PyQode and OpenCobolIDE will be updated throught this PPA when new stable releases are available. On ubuntu you should not use pip anymore.

Read all announcements