OpenCobolIDE 4.7.3

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File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 23) 401
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3.dmg (md5) Mac OSX Installer 1,351
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.3-1_all.deb (md5) Debian package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 619
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 33,481
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3.tar.gz (md5) Source package 226
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 36,078

Release notes 


- add a checkbox in the status bar to quickly switch between fixed and free format
- improve saving and restoring window state (hidden dock widgets will stay hidden).
- allow to see pyqode debug log messages
- improve logging system to easily make the distinction between the current log content and content of other instances.
- don't include full compiler path in default configuration (already set in PATH)
- update to latest qcrash:
    - split report into general and application log
    - GitHubBackend: upload log file as a gist
    - add option to save login only.
- update to latest pyqode:
    - many improvements to the cobol code folding
    - name parser works with incomplete sources (copybooks or programs which have DIVISIONS in copybooks)
    - add zoom menu to the editor context menu
    - add ability to close tabs on the left/right of the current tab.
    - fix cursor not visible under margins
    - and many other bug fixes
- include all available pygments lexer in the frozen build on Windows and OSX (you will have basic syntax highlighting
  for file that are not cobol sources, e.g. bash, foxpro, ...).
- simplify new file templates + use free format setting to choose the correct template.

Fixed bugs:

- fix compiler output not parsed correctly if ';' in error message
- prevent overriding RunEnv['PATH'] by CompilerEnv['PATH']
- fix linter not working if no compiler full path specified (will now use PATH to find the full compiler path).
- fix clear logs not working on Windows
- fix PermissionError when determining the available icon themes
- fix spelling error GnuCobol -> GnuCOBOL in about dialog.
- fix external terminal not working anymore on GNU/Linux.
- fix generic editor's backend not working in frozen mode
- fix default icon theme not correctly detected on Plasma 5.6 (maybe on other linux desktops too).


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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