News and announcements

New release of the 'Featured Download'

Written for Code Monkey by Tom Swartz on 2010-06-13

I have just uploaded the most up-to-date package of the scripts and files for this project.

Users that have downloaded this package within the past 2 weeks will be glad to see new additions to the .tar file. The last package had been downloaded 50 times since it was created! Hopefully this new update will allow those users to take better advantage of our work in recent times

Thanks again for the support!

(Almost) Featured on

Written for Code Monkey by Tom Swartz on 2010-06-06

Exciting news! Today, Lifehacker posted an article featuring a script very similar to the one that we have posted here that allows you to change your background to a live view of the world!

Hit the link for more information:

We're BACK!

Written for Code Monkey by Tom Swartz on 2010-05-27

Finals and everything are finally over, so now I have the summer to focus on R&D within this project. I have released final versions of gmail and gReader scripts that take advantage of user arguments, allowing you to specify at runtime what the username and password is, rather than hard-code it into the script.

More exciting news soon!

Project On-Hold!

Written for Code Monkey by Tom Swartz on 2010-05-19

As of right now, this project is being placed on hold.
Because I am the sole maintainer of this project, I am currently unable to work on the coding updates and packaging. Finals week at the University..

This will not be an indefinite leave, I just need some time for Final Examinations.

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