News and announcements

v1.1 released, openJdk compatible

Written for Communication Book by Tim Abell on 2013-02-07

A new version of the app is now available.

Excerpt from the updated wiki:

Getting started

    Install Java if you don't already have it
    Download and extract the latest program zip.
    Download and extract the symbol library.
    Double-click the jar file (to run the program with Java)
    Open the symbol library (Ctrl+L or File > "Load Library...")
    Read the user guide (pdf) (slightly outdated, but you'll get the idea. help welcome)

Linux users:

    Use your package manager to install Java
    Mark the jar as executable to be able to run the file

Updated .

v0.3 released

Written for Communication Book by Tim Abell on 2012-01-07

The loading and navigating of symbol libraries, and adding/removing symbols for a sentence is now roughly complete. Still no speech generation yet (the important bit!).

See the wiki for download location, current instructions and screenshots.

Feedback is welcome, please join the community mailing list at

Direct download link:

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