ConceptNet 4.0rc2

The second release candidate for ConceptNet 4.

Milestone information

Rob Speer
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Total downloads: 265

Release notes 

Allows to be used without the database. Added support for Hungarian, better support for Japanese, and lots of new data in English and Chinese.

See for documentation.


View the full changelog

Major code changes:

* Made almost all of `` work independently from the database, and only import the database settings if it absolutely needs to. This lets `` work even when a different Django database is loaded.
* Added support for Hungarian using Snowball, in ``.
* Added experimental support for Japanese in ``, thanks to Tyson Roberts. This uses MeCab and CaboCha to tokenize and lemmatize Japanese text. This replaces the previous trivial `` module. Japanese concepts have not yet been updated, however.
* `` now contains methods for extracting relevant words and phrases from free text.

Database changes:

* Imported the Traditional Chinese ConceptNet (thanks to Yen-Ling Kuo).
* Corrected some common types of parsing errors, such as parsing "[X] is [for Y]" instead of "[X] is for [Y]". Some of these were introduced by Verbosity.
* Updated English concepts that disagreed with the lemmatizer.

The database schema has not changed, so the 4.0rc1 database should still work.

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