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0.3.0 release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Some fixes since 0.3.0-beta 1

File Description Downloads
download icon coorg-0.3.0-develop.tar.gz (md5) Source code with tools for development 44
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon coorg-0.3.0-dist.tar.gz (md5) The installable CoOrg release 16
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 60

0.3.0-beta1 release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

* Improved API
* Updated doctrine
* Updated the news plugin to be usable
* Added a users admin
* New theme
* Upgrade manager
* More...


0.3.0 Beta 1 (22-09-2008)
CoOrg base
* [API/feature] Rewrote the FormDesigner. It is now more powerfull, has a complete new API, and a new FormLayout.
* [API] Actions on Forms now get an array with the submitted fields in as parameter, and not every field anymore.
* [API] A CoOrg_Pager to help working with paged results.
* [API] Templates can pass parameters to each other ({template file="..." param1="..." ..}
* [API] Plugins can now define on which version of CoOrg/Plugin they depend
* Set the memory limit on 32M, this for the moment a sort of hack.
* [API] Add a $html = false parameter on SendMail (to make it possible to send HTML mails)
* [bug/feature] Plugins can now translate their metadate (Name, description) fixes bug #209031
* [feature] Added a maintenance mode, implements
* [feature] Implemented an updates mode, implements
* [feature] Makes it possible to translate the installer
* [API] Make volatile messages possible, these will not be saved when the page is reloaded before the messages are shown.
* [bug/installer] Don't crash when the Databse information isn't correct.
* [API] Make CoOrgBase abstract + make some functions abstract
* [API] All Database Classes that are now derived from Doctrine_Record should now derive from CoOrgDBRecord and call parent::setTableDefinition in setTableDefinition, all db classes that run actAs('I18n', $options) should now run actAsI18n($options)
* [feature] You can now configure a table-prefix
* [API] The URLManager can now omit default values.
* [API] Added a function escape to escape URL's in code (no need for '$Link|escape' in the templates)
* [API] The URLManager can now find default parameter values from functions
* [bug] When a sidebar action didn't exist (anymore, for example after plugin uninstall) an error occured, now the box is skipped silently. Fixes bug #239131
* [API] Updated to Doctrine 1.0.2

CoOrg main-plugins
* [new] [users-admin] An users admin to manage the users plugin.
* [API] [users] Added the function GetCompleteUserProfile and GetUserListPaged()
* [new] [users-config] User configuration is now possible
* [feature] [users] Registring/Requesting password can be disabled.
* [feature] [content] You can now choose the first page, fixes bug #216524
* [bug] [content] Does not show an empty page when a translation does not exists.
* [bug] [users] The users ACL value has no precedence over any group value if set.
* [bug] [admin] Redirect the user after a login to the requested admin page, fixes bug #209029
* [bug] [language-chooser] A better template that is less confusing, fixes bug #216525
* [feature] [news] You can browse now the latest news, browse by group, see the archive
* [feature] [news] Added an admin to manage newsitems, made it possible to delete news items
* [feature] [news] Added a sidebox with the archive list
* [bug] [admin] Even when logged in it was possible to view the "You should login page", fixes bug #272614

File Description Downloads
download icon coorg-0.3.0-beta1.tar.gz (md5) Source release 15
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 15

0.2.1 release from the 0.2 series released

Release information

CoOrg main-plugins
* [bug] Changing the group of a news item didn't work
* [bug] Chaning the email address in your userprofile didn't work
* [bug] [admin] Not using a left bar, caused problems in Admin (#224363)
* [bug] [installer] Make the installer work again, it crashed because GetUserLanguage() was not defined in CoOrgInstaller (it was in CoOrgInstalled) (#222119)
* [bug] [installer] Doesn't give the static PHP version message when a dependencie is not fulfilled. (#222124)
* [bug] [content] Content gives the page in a wrong language (#216523)
* [bug] [menu] Changing the details of a menu item - but not changing the parent menu - move the menu item to the bottom (#216526)
* [bug] [layout] Removing the last box in a sidebar led to a crash (#224873)
* [bug] [menu] The horizontal root menu was shown even if it was empty (#225598)

File Description Downloads
download icon coorg-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5) Source code 16
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

0.2.0 release from the 0.2 series released

Release information

0.2.0 (12-04-2008)
CoOrg base
* [bug] PHPErrorException->getString() throw a PHPErrorException (that wasn't cached)
* [feature] Show the stages list in the installer
* [bug] Fix the CoOrg->AppendHandler(...) function
* [feature] Format paragraphs (doesn't work well with headers for the moment)
* [bug] Does not respect the user language
* [bug] CanMoveDown was not applied
* [bug] Headers are not surrounded by a paragraph

CoOrg main-plugins
* [bug] [content] Respect the lang parameter in ContentPublicAPI->GetPages($lang)
* [feature] [menu] Implement links in the formatter by using the menu plugin.
* [bug] [content] Going from a page you just saved, to a page that doesn't has a translation showed the wrong content
* [feature] [language-chooser] Fixed the installer + made it possible to configure the chooser
* [feature] [admin] Modules have priorities now: some will be shown earlier or later.
* [bug] [content] Implement the function ContentPublicAPI()->GetLanguagesForPage();
* [bug/API] [users] Throwing better exceptions when doing stupid things (like registering twice an ACL or group)
* [bug] [menu] Could not change parent of a menu item
* [bug] [menu] The current parent menu is selected + The empty one is replaced by "Top level menu", and No parent is removed from the list

0.2 Beta 1 (26-03-2008)
CoOrg base
* [feature] Add primary-language configure
* [feature] User can have their own language-setting (by cookie)
* [bug] Error reportings where shown even if it was prepended with @
* [feature] The smarty {template} function passes additional Parameters to the template.
* [feature] Expanded the Config API to work with sources + add cooke source
* [feature/bug] Translations are now fully functional
* [feature] Set default actions for plugins
* [change] Plugins should set the page title with CoOrg->SetPageTitle and not with CoOrg->Assign('Title');
* [feature] Plugins can now disable form saving for a form
* [feature] More bars are possible (Left, Right, Header and Footer)
* [API] Main actions can override the site-configured bar layout (for example the admin)
* [API] Can show 404 pages
* [API] Add a format manager to format user texts.
* [bug] Error reportings in the installer didn't work if $_templates wasn't set.
        Error reporting in the installed version is better when $_templates isn't set.
* [API] The RedirectTo function can have now additional URL parameters.
* [API] Complete new (side)bar API, with more bars and horizontal bars.
* [API] Add the plugin and action parameter to bar actions.
* [API] Removed/Renamed some functions (not compatible)
* [API] plugins can now execute code before output is generated, and override the requested action.
* [API] Added primary bars, so that plugins can bars automatically in primary bars

CoOrg main-plugins
* [feature] [admin] Can change primary-language
* [feature] [content] [menu] Can have translations
* [feature] [admin] Check for updates
* [feature] [admin] Show warnings that needs the attention of the admin.
                    (new update, not checking for updates, wrong full url,
                     debug modus, config/ not writeable)
* [feature] [admin] The default action is view
* [API] [admin] install/remove/change/view boxes and sidebars by the Public API of admin
* [feature] [admin] Better bar editing
* [feature] [admin] More layout options (default theme, logo, pagetitle, layout)
* [API] [admin] Hidden tab pages.
* [feature] [content] Use the hidden tab feature for Edit pages
* [feature] [admin] Better UI if the user has no access to a (part) of the admin.
* [feature] [admin] Logo's can be showed in module list
* [new] A new built-in plugin is added: news.
        It is NOT installed by default
* [feature] [news] Added a profile page
* [feature] [content] Install a welcome page
* [feature] [menu] Add an horizontal menu
* [feature] [content] Change the language of the currently viewed page
* [feature] [menu] Having multiple levels in menu is now possible
* [new] [admin-languages] An admin to manage languages (change default)
* [new] [language-chooser] Plugin that offers a language chooser.
* [API] [menu] All menu items of a provider can be uninstalled (#188383)
* [bug] [content] When the plugin is uninstalled all its menu items are removed too.
* [new] [admin] Shows a "Visit site" link

CoOrg main-theme
* [bug] Make from the webmaster link a mailto: url
* Show the version of CoOrg when it crashes.

* Dutch (nl): CoOrg Base

File Description Downloads
download icon coorg-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5) Source code 22
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 22

0.1.1 release from the 0.1 series released

Release information

0.1.1 (23 February 2008)
* [bug] [admin] AdminPublicAPI checked always for 'admin_menu' and not for the requested key.
        => caused security flaws and users not able to access the admin when they should.
* [bug] Formdesigner: Optionfields validation was on the user-visible part and not on value
* [bug] Error reporting: Showing an error report before templatemanager was loaded gave problems
* [bug] Fixed a bug in the installer that caused problems on Tuxfamily.
* [bug] Fixed a bug in the error reporting when a error occured before the i18n subsystem was loaded.
* [bug] [admin] TabAlreadyRegisteredInModuleException was not defined.
* [bug] [admin] The text for editing a sidebar was Add new item
* [bug] Forms were not checked in installer.
* [bug] When passing not the same password in the installer CoOrg crashes.

File Description Downloads
download icon coorg-0.1.1.tar.gz (md5) Full code 12
last downloaded 46 weeks ago
Total downloads: 12