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0.9.8 (Harriet) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.8 brings a number of improvements to the user interface, following the GNOME human interface guidelines: accelerator keys and keyboard shortcuts have been added; image previews appear in the file chooser dialog; thumbnails in the main window are spread evenly to avoid a large right-hand border; and new error dialogs provide extra feedback should a problem arise.
An important change to note is that the transition time is now considered to be part of the duration, meaning that less arithmetic is required to create a slideshow of a particular length. Also toward that goal, an experimental 'fit to length' feature can be tried to automatically adjust image durations in order to keep the slideshow's length constant.
Adding to the internationalisation, the Turki...


  * Added Turkish translation
  * Updated translation template
  * Updated man page
  * Experimental feature: automatically adjusts default image duration to
    create a slideshow of a particular length
  * Display style (Tile, Zoom, Stretch, etc.) can be specified
  * Only seconds are affected by the decimal point
  * Transition time is now considered to be part of the image's display time
  * Image thumbnails in the main window are spread to minimize the right-hand
    border when the window isn't quite large enough to accomodate another
  * Preview thumbnails added to the 'Add Images' dialog
  * Error dialogs added for:
        files that could not be added;
        problems saving slideshows;
        when the wallpaper can't be changed automatically.
  * GUI amended to better comply with the GNOME human interface guidelines
        Improved keyboard interation (shortcuts, accelerator keys)
        Button ordering
        "Hours" placed at the top of combobox lists

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) RPM for Create Background Slideshow 1,472
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source RPM for Create Background Slideshow 187
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 1,262
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) RPM for Create Background Slideshow 78
last downloaded 7 days ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source RPM for Create Background Slideshow 49
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 110
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source RPM for Create Background Slideshow 91
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) RPM for Create Background Slideshow 71
last downloaded 7 days ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 170
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download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 55
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 44
last downloaded 7 days ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 0.9.8 97
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 3,686

0.9.7 (Georgiana) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.7 introduces flexible default configurations through GConf. Options include the default duration and transition, the directory first opened by the 'Add Images' dialog, and seven more (see man page for details).
This release also incorporates the latest translations—Spanish and Czech—and increases the maximum transition time from one hour to a whole day, making slow-transition all-day wallpapers a new possibility.


Added Czech and Spanish translations.
Increased maximum transition time.
Added configuration changes with GConf.

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 0.9.7 815
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 815

0.9.6 (Fitzwilliam) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.6 greatly increases the speed of imports of large images as thumbnails are fetched from a cache when available. It also introduces the ability to read XML files that are not simply composed of matched static-transition pairs, and full documentation in the form of a man page.


Added completed Ukrainian translation
Fixed bug in modularisation that kept the slideshow file constant
Added man page
Able to read and write non-trivial slideshow files
Uses .thumbnails cache for faster image import
Non-GUI appearances of the app name are always in English, with any translation in brackets

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 20
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 122
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 142

0.9.5 (Eliza) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow has been further internationalised and localised into Welsh, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian. Refinements to the UI include bringing the 'Selected Image' tab to the front when an image is selected, and selecting the first of a group of new images added to the slideshow.


More internationalisation, including ngettext for plurals.
Localisation: cy, de, en_GB, it, lt, ro, ru, uk.
UI refinements.
Modularisation of the source code.

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 19
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for Create Background Slideshow 0.9.5 136
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 155

0.9.4 (Dormouse) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.4 simplifies the user interface by splitting the default and selected-image timings between separate tabs. This makes getting started with the application less confusing, and reduces the amount of repeated information displayed when the selected image uses default timings or when no image is selected at all.

Under the bonnet, 0.9.4 paves the way for local-language versions, by adopting the gettext method of internationalising user-interface text, and includes a template file ready for translators to begin work on.


Simplified user interface by splitting timings between two tabs.
Started internationalisation process

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 0.9.4 97
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 97

0.9.3 (Charlotte) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.3 integrates with Nautilus, creating an "Open with Create Background Slideshow" option for images and XML files. To prevent accidentally erasing a saved slideshow with the same filename, a file-overwrite warning has been added. And command-line options now add extra flexibility and the possibility of piping slideshow data into another program.


Added file overwrite warning
Integrated with Nautilus's right-click menu
Added command-line options

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 0.9.3 386
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 386

0.9.2 (Bella) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Create Background Slideshow 0.9.2 features several improvements to the image addition process. Files (images and saved slideshows) can now be dragged from Nautilus and dropped onto the CreBS window. The Add Images dialog has been fixed, making it work as expected now. And an installation shell script has been added for users without access to a managed package.


Added drag-and-drop file addition
Fixed Add Images dialog
Added README with instructions for use
Added, for installation in the absence of a deb or rpm package.

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 190
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 190 (Alice) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

A minor change, changing slideshows directory from ~/.gnome2 to ~/.crebs. This prevents clashes with potential changes to .gnome2 and accidental overwriting of backgrounds.xml.


Slideshows now saved to ~/.crebs

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 14
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 14

0.9.1 (Alice) release from the 0.9 series released

Release information
Release notes:

CreBS 0.9.1 introduces notifications and the ability to import saved slideshows, complete with their original timings.
The interface has also been cleaned up a little, now using icons for the buttons.


Realignment of UI elements
Notification issued if wallpaper set successfully
Slideshows can be re-imported

File Description Downloads
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 17
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon crebs- (md5, sig) Source tarball for CreBS 0.9.1 37
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 54