Change log for debian-edu package in Debian

151180 of 180 results
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.711) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add bluedevil to the desktop-kde task, to make sure bluetooth
    support is included by default in KDE.
  * Add blueman to the desktop-xfce and desktop-lxde tasks, to make
    sure bluetooth support is included by default in Xfce and LXDE.
  * Change valgrind from suggests to recommends in the common task,
    to make it easier to debug crash bugs without Internet access.
  * Change krfb, krdc from suggests to recommends in the desktop-kde
    task, after verifying that it work, to make the support task easier
    for the local sysadmin.
  * Remove Morten Werner Forsbring from uploaders.  Thank you Werner for
    all your good work.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 13 Jul 2013 11:55:49 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.710) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Switch all tasks to list mplayer2 instead of mplayer, as mplayer2 is
    the package preferred by gecko-mediaplayer.
  * Move fonts-larabie-deco in desktop-other task from recommends to
    suggests, as it is in non-free and we try to avoid non-free packages
    when we can.
  * Switch roaming-workstation task form wicd to network-manager, as wicd
    is not working out of the box on the laptops I have tested.

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.710~81262:

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Suggests freeplane in the misc task, as it is the preferred mind mapping
    tool in the Uberstudent distribution.
  * Add helper script edu-tasksel-setup which is useful for setting up
    and tearing down diverts before running tasksel.  It can be used
    to reduce the code duplication in debian-edu-install and
  * Change goplay in desktop-other from recommends to suggests, as
    golearn is useless in wheezy with the level of use::learning
    tagging present there.  goplay should be reintroduced in Jessie
  * Reduce killer in networked-common task from recommends to ignore, as
    it no longer work properly with users.

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.710~81083:

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * tasks: Drop xdrawchem, xjig and xsok from our tasks as they don't have
    a proper desktop menu entry and thus won't show up now that menu-xdg
    was removed.

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Update d-i netboot package names from 6.0 to 7.0, to work with
  * Drop obsolete lwat from the main-server task.

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.710~80808:

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Remove menu-xdg from tasks/desktop-kde. See #502192 and
    http://<email address hidden>
  * Replace transitional dummy fonts packages in tasks with their real
    dependend packages.
  * task/misc: Replace transitional tilp package with tilp2.
  * task/common: Replace transitional hpijs and pnm2ppa packages with
    hpijs-ppds and printer-driver-pnm2ppa.
  * task/desktop-kde: Replace transitional kdegraphics-strigi-plugins with
    kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer and kdegraphics-thumbnailers.
  * task/graphic: Replace transitional scribus-ng and qcad packages with
    scribus and librecad.
  * task/desktop-other: Replace transitional djvulibre-plugin package with
  * task/desktop-gnome: Replace transitional gnome-desktop-environment package
    with gnome.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.710~80772:

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * debian/control, Vcs* headers: Replace with
  * Drop ispell dictionaries from all tasks as its only used by emacs.
  * Recommend mythes-$LANG packages instead of the transitional dummy$LANG packages. Same for hyphen-$LANG and$LANG.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 16 Jun 2013 11:25:05 +0200
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.709) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add lintian-overrides for education-desktop-xfce (see #708879).

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.709~svn80382:

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Change default display manager for KDE, LXDE and Xfce from gdm3
    (which pull in gnome), to kdm and lightdm, to avoid getting an
    unwanted Gnome desktop.
  * Change desktop-* to list x-display-manager as allowed alternative
    for the selected display manager to make it easier to pick another
    display manager for those that need to.

  * Uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as debian-edu 1.709~svn80336:

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Make sure the new task desktop-xfce pull in a display manager.  I
    selected gdm, which is the same as Gnome is using, and which is
    the most feature complete one.  kdm and lightdm would work too.
  * Change desktop-kde and desktop-lxde to use gdm3 too, to only have
    to configure one display manager.
  * Raise gtick from suggests to depends in the music task, as gtick
    now should work with pulseaudio, and thus on thin clients, as bug
    #566335 is fixed.
  * Raise lingot from suggests to depends in the music task, to
    include a graphical instrument tuning tool in the default
  * Recommend xoscope in the electronics task, to provide a digital
    software oscilloscope in the default installation.
  * Add pianobooster as depend in the music task, based on
    recommondation from Thomas Goirand.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:26:05 +0200
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.708) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add lintian-overrides for all binary packages affected by #708879.
  * Add debian/source.lintian-overrides to suppress the unknown-field-in-dsc
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * tasks/desktop-lxde: Replace unmaintained package epdfview with
    evince-gtk.  (Closes: #708706)

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add new task desktop-xfce, to provide an even more lightweight
    option than LXDE.  XFCE is the third most used desktop environment
    in Debian.
  * Switch from vnc4server to tightvncserver as the xrdp backend, as it
    seem to be be more up to date and actively maintained.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Tue, 28 May 2013 18:53:59 +0200
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.707) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * README.source: better explain how to actually build this package today.
  * debian/control: remove obsolete XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: field.

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Add gosa-desktop to Depends of desktop-lxde, cause LXDE menu lacks
    a menu entry for password change (website) otherwise.
  * Move gosa-desktop from tasks/desktop-lxde to tasks/networked to
    provide a consistent menu entry for all desktop environments.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Fri, 17 May 2013 20:33:55 +0200
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.706) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Move libnss-myhostname from the common to the roaming-workstation
    task, to avoid messing up Nagios checks with the problem reported
    as BTS #705900.  It should move back when the bugs is fixed.
  * Recommend goplay in the desktop-other task, to make it easy for
    users to find educational software in Debian.
  * Adjust to the many versions of celestia.  Change astronomy task to 
    depend on celestia-kde | celestia-gnome | celestia-glut | celestia
    instead of the dummy package celestia.
  * Correct APT source codename in sources.list.wheezy-test, replace
    testing with wheezy.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 05 May 2013 12:00:30 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.705) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Move all mind mapping tools to the misc task.  Promote freemind
    from Ignore to Recommends , as it was suggested as a application
    to install by default by Nigel Barker instead of vym.  Demote vym
    from Depends to suggests based on his recommendation.
  * List icedtea-6-plugin as the prefered package over icedtea6-plugin,
    to match the proper package name in Wheezy.
  * Recommend ttf-larabie-deco font in desktop-other, based on
    recommendation from Nigel Barker.
  * Recommend bluefish, drpython, gvrng and python-easygui in the
    development task, for HTML and python development.
  * Ignore escputil in the common task to put it on our watch list.
    It is a tool useful for Epson printer owners.
  * Prefer browser-plugin-gnash over mozilla-plugin-gnash in the
    desktop-other task, to use the new package name in Wheezy.  Ignore
    browser-plugin-lightspark in the same task to put it on our watch
  * Add chromium alongside iceweasel in the desktop-other task, for
    the pages that do not work well with konqueror and iceweasel, and
    for the times when iceweasel refuse to start.  Remove obsolete
    comment about CD installs from task file.
  * Change Japanese support based on input from Nigel Barker.  Remove
    all scim packages and only use ibus-anthy instead.

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Remove localization-config from Depends in tasks/other; last usage
    seems to actually have been in Lenny to configure kde correctly.
  * Remove mentioning of localization-config in tasks/desktop-other;
    maybe the Recommends for various spellcheckers should be revised,
    cause localization-config once has been used (?) to configure
    the default ispell directory.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 01 May 2013 18:01:59 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.704) unstable; urgency=low

  * uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as 1.704~svn79606:

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Depend on scratch in the education-misc task, to put it on our
    list of provided packages.

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * tasks/desktop-lxde: Drop gdm3 from depends as this pulls in too
    much packages belonging to desktop-gnome. Remove lightdm from
    avoids, cause lightdm will be used as display manager.

  * uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as 1.704~svn79605:

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Replace gdm with gdm3, cause gdm isn't available anymore: 
    - Replace gdm with gdm3 in task files desktop-gnome, desktop-lxde,
      and desktop-sugar.
    - Replace gdm3 with lightdm in Avoid of task file desktop-lxde.
  * Raise gosa-plugin-goto from Suggests to Depends, to be able to have more
    types than just net-devices when adding systems using GOsa². (More 
    changes concerning this issue will take place in d-e-config.)
  * Downgrade malted (task language) from Depends to Suggests, cause a
    Debian package isn't available.
  * Downgrade ejs (task physics) from Depends to Suggests, cause a
    Debian package isn't available.

  * uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as 1.704~svn79539:

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Add dnsutils and iputils-ping to thin-client depends, as dig and ping
    are required for init-ltsp to work properly.

  * uploaded to the Debian Edu archive as 1.704~svn79477:

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Move from to libreoffice in task files.
    - Rename most package names.
    - For some reason thesaurus and hyhenation packages still have in their names, so keep those.
    - Replace with browser-plugin-libreoffice.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 24 Apr 2013 00:26:06 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.703) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
  * Add debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups to main-server depends.
  * Add dovecot-gssapi to main-server depends, cause Kerberos support is now
    covered in a separate package).

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add sources.list.wheezy-test for Debian development needs.
  * Update sources.list.squeeze-test to reflect that squeeze is stable
    remove references to non-US from sources.list.stable.
  * Update debian-edu-tasks.desc and debian/control after running make-dist
    (which distribution set to wheezy-test in debian/changelog) and building 
    the resulting source archive. (This is described in README.source)

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 02 Mar 2013 20:53:01 +0100
Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.702) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * debian/control.stub:
     - Fix VCS fields.
     - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
     - Versioned Build-Depends blends-dev (>= 0.6.15) (because lower
       versions might cause upgrading problems).

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Change education-tasks to work with tasksel in wheezy, depend on
    tasksel (>= 3.00) and build-depend on blends-dev (>=, to
    make sure our tasks show up in tasksel and is installable by
    tasksel.  (Closes: #694895)
  * Update tasksel tasks and meta package content to match the package
    content currently available in Debian/Wheezy.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Tue, 04 Dec 2012 12:43:37 +0100
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.701) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * debian/tasks: Remove some suggestions of packages which are not
    in Debian any more

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:54:42 +0000
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (1.700) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Bump version number to 1.700 to make obvious this is targeted for wheezy. 
  * Drop debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups from main-server task. 
  * Drop koffice from KDE related tasks. (Closes: #673467) 
    See #673464 to learn more about this.
  * tasks/desktop-other: replace dependency on gij-4.1 and java-gcj-compat
    with one on gcj-jre-headless. (Closes: #628381)
  * tasks/common: replace dependency on foomatic-filters-ppds by one on
    foomatic-filters and add depeeds to foomatic-db-engine. (Closes: #626288)
  * tasks/mathematics: replace dependency on octave3.2 by octave. 
    (Closes: #667589)
  * Raise urgency to medium so that education-main-server doesn't get RC buggy
    in testing due to debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups being removed because
    of #662967.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 10 Jun 2012 15:50:48 +0200
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.855) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Fix typo in previous changelog.

  [ David Prévot ]
  * Add debian-edu-doc-da as a depends to tasks/lang-da.
  * Fix typos in debian/README.source.
  * Add lang-fr among the high priority tasks to be part of the DVD. 
  * Add manpages-fr-extra as a recommends to lang-fr.
  * Add tasks/lang-fr-desktop and tasks/lang-fr-desktop-kde.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 03 Mar 2012 12:55:36 +0100
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.854) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Suggest sarg in main-server task for squid stats.  It is used
    by 17.4% of the population according to
  * List freerdp-x11 as the prefered alternative to rdesktop for RDP
    access.  Its upstream seem to be more active and it is working

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * tasks/common: depend on debian-edu-doc-en instead on transitional 
    debian-edu-doc package.
  * Add debian-edu-doc-<language> as a depends to tasks/lang-(de|it|nb|es).
  * Add tasks/lang-fr.
  * Remove sources.list.skolelinux (woody), sources.list.sarge, 
    sources.list.terra (etch) and sources.list.etch

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:47:58 +0100
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.853) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add network-manager to tasks/networked, to enable the hostname
    update using network information on both minimal profiles and
    gnome installations (Closes: #650040).
  * Add missing comma in control.stub.
  * Drop xfs from tasks/thin-client-server, as LTSP no longer uses
    a font server by default.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Fri, 06 Jan 2012 10:54:06 +0100
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.852) unstable; urgency=low

  * Release of five prereleases done in Debian Edu to Debian sid, aimed at 
    Debian squeeze. See below for exact list of changes.

  * debian-edu (0.852~svn73943) squeeze-test; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Correct the Vcs-Browser link in the control file to use the new paths.

  * debian-edu (0.852~svn73634) squeeze-test; urgency=low

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Move gosa-plugin-goto from 'depends' to 'suggests' as it's not ready
    for squeeze.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Drop cvs from education-development's depends.

  * debian-edu (0.852~svn73560) squeeze-test; urgency=low

  [ Mike Gabriel ]
  * Add smbldap-tools as a helper tool for modifying LDAP objects from within
  * Add gosa-plugin-goto to main-server task to administrate Samba
    workstations with GOsa².

  * debian-edu (0.852~svn73496) squeeze-test; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add depends to debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups to main-server's gosa

  * debian-edu (0.852~svn73464) squeeze-test; urgency=low

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Remove kdm from the 'Avoid'-list of the desktop-gnome and desktop-lxde
    tasks.  It makes kdm disappear from the DVD.
  * Add myself to Uploaders and fix documentation in debian/README.source.
  * Make vim a dependency of the common-task. Suggest emacs.
    (Closes: #617381).

  [ Mike Gabriel ]
  * Make gdm a dependency of the desktop-gnome and desktop-lxde task
    as they cannot make without a login manager (Relates to: #617371).
  * Make gdm a dependency of the desktop-sugar task.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Replace (versioned) build-dependency on cdd-dev with an unversioned one on

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * desktop-other task.
    - Change default video applications from kino and kdenlive to
      openshot and kdenlive based on feedback on debian-edu@.

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Add libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit to the networked-common dependencies,
    to make GSSAPI available on all machines.
  * Switch from pdns to bind and ldap2zone. Keep pdns on upgrades.
    This enables management of hosts with GOsa and has been done to enable
    further testing. Obviously it could be reverted and needs to be agreed
    on. Also needs documentation if kept for the release. (Closes: #602863)

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Raise the priority of the language specific tasks above Gnome and
    LXDE, to make sure the DVD can be used to install a full KDE
    desktop.  This break the DVD for Gnome and LXDE.
  * desktop-other task.
    - Recommend djvulibre-plugin, to make sure the djVu format is
      handled by default.
    - Add cheese as recommended package, to get webcamera tool for
      photo snapshot and video recording.  Drop now redundant cheese
      entry from lxde task.
    - Suggest pitivi and openshot, which might be better than kino,
      kdenlive and openmovieeditor as our default video editor.
  * Make it easier to adjust how the Gnome and KDE menu overrides are
    enabled by moving the logic to a separarate script
  * Adjust menu override trigger to allow it to be enabled for all
    users on a computer by adding MENUREORDER=true in
  * Updated control file and tasks based on the last changes.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add wngerman to tasks/lang-de.
  * Remove dictionaries with old german spelling from tasks/lang-de.
  * Add gosa-help-en, gosa-help-de, gosa-help-fr, gosa-help-nl to gosa task
    and thus to mainservers depends.
  * Don't avoid+depend on vim at the same time.

  [ Daniel Hess ]
  * Remove avoid on 486 linux-image versions: LTSP fails to create
    chroot on i386. The workaround from debian-edu-config does not work
    and needs further investigations before we can switch to 686

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Dec 2011 18:35:36 +0100
Superseded in wheezy-release
Published in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.851) unstable; urgency=low

  [ José L. Redrejo Rodríguez ]
  * Menu reorganization for Gnome in Squeeze.

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * graphics task:
    - Change blender from recommends to suggests, to save space on the DVD.
  * mathematics tasks:
    - Change wxmaxima from depends to suggests, to save space on the DVD.
  * common task:
    - Allow 686 kernel on the CD and DVD, and avoid the 486 kernel,
      after adding LTSP override in debian-edu-config to get LTSP to
      use 686 instead of 486 kernel.
  * electronics task:
    - Reduce kicad fro depends to suggests, to save space on the DVD and
      avoid installing extra-xdg-menus by default (the menu issue is no
      longer a problem when the fix for #577282 reaches testing/squeeze).
  * music task:
    - Avoid lilypond-doc to save 99 MB on the DVD.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 13 Nov 2010 17:16:27 +0100
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.850) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Update standards-version from 3.8.4 to 3.9.1.  No changes needed.
  * Try to get netinst CD working for i386 and amd64 by avoiding all
    powerpc64 kernel packages.
  * Reinsert avoid entry for 686 kernel, after figuring out why it
    failed the last time I tried.  Had to remove both the meta
    package and the kernel package for d-i to not try to install it on
    686 machines.  This make room for the other packages we want on
    the DVD.
  * common task:
     - Change valgrind from recommends to suggests, to avoid including
       it on the DVD and get space for more useful packages.  It used
       75 MiB on the DVD.
     - Remove now obsolete scsiadd.
  * main-server task:
     - Change depend on debian-installer-netboot-amd64 and
       debian-installer-netboot-i386, to the names
       debian-installer-6.0-netboot-i386 and
       debian-installer-6.0-netboot-amd64 present in squeeze.
     - Change lwat depends to suggests.  It do not work in Squeeze.
     - Change gosa suggests to depends, as it seem the most promising
       alternative to lwat.
  * thin-client-server task:
    - Recommend xrdp to provide Linux desktop using RDP to Windows

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Improve education-desktop-sugar description. (Closes: #587441)

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * desktop-other task:
    - Recommend pavucontrol to let users control audio sinks and
  * thin-client-server task:
    - Recommend vnc4server needed by xrdp to provide Linux desktop
      using RDP to Windows clients.

  [ Luke Faraone ]
  * Add sugar-write-activity-0.88, sugar-turtleart-activity, 
    sugar-irc-activity, sugar-record-activity, sugar-physics-activity,
    and sugar-session-0.88 to education-desktop-sugar.

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Add GOsa schema-files to the main-server dependencies.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Remove some ancient avoided kernel packages.
  * Update README.source.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 23 Oct 2010 11:57:09 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.849) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Move octave3.2 from recommends to suggests to save some space on
    the DVD.
  * Add gosa-plugin-samba to suggests.
  * Move gpscorrelate, qlandkartegt and viking from recommends to
    suggests to save some space on the DVD.

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Drop starplot from astronomy tasks, as both kstars and celestia
    are better for gazing at stars.
  * Recommend in desktop-kde task, to ensure OOo
    uses KDE file dialogs.
  * Split video player dependencies in two, one for the Iceweasel
    plugin (using gecko-multimedia), and one for the desktop video
    player.  Make the desktop video player be separate for
    KDE/Gnome/LXDE, and use dragonplayer for desktop-kde, and totem
    for Gnome and LXDE.
  * Change default package manager from adept to synaptic, as we can't
    avoid synaptic because of the printer-applet ->
    system-config-printer -> synaptic relation and we only want one
    graphical package manager.
  * Reduce kicad-doc-* from recommends to suggests to save space on
    the DVD.  No need to install all these by default.
  * Reduce kig to recommends and kseg to suggests, and leave geogebra
    as depends in the mathematics task, to reduce the number of
    installed interactive geometry tools a bit.
  * Depend on openbsd-inetd in the common task next to nullidentd, to
    ensure it is selected instead of inetutils-inetd until bug #519316
    is fixed.
  * Remove kbd from avoid list, to allow it on the DVD as it is needed
    by console-setup currently being used to set up the console.
  * Add freespacenotifier, kinfocenter, update-notifier-kde to
    desktop-kde task, to get more KDE 4 default packages included on
    the DVD (Closes: #523900).
  * Replace network-manager-kde with plasma-widget-networkmanagement
    in the standalone task, to use the KDE 4 version.  Replace
    network-manager with network-manager-gnome as the alternative to
    get the package I suspect would be the preferred alternative.
  * Recommend usb-modeswitch in the laptop task, to handle dual mode
    USB devices.
  * Add aspell-no to the lang-no task, to ensure inkscape find a
    better alternative when looking for its spell checker.
  * Change the task priority of the gnome and lsxd desktop packages
    to try to get the default kde desktop packages on the DVD.
  * Add linux-image-2.6.32-5-powerpc-smp to the avoid list, to fit
    more packages on the netinst CD.
  * Remove obsolete avoid entry for 686 kernel.  Can no longer avoid
    the 686 kernel on the netinst CD or DVD without breaking the
  * Change luma from recommends to suggests in the networked-common
    task, as jxplorer seem to be the best alternative of these two.
  * Move libnss-mdns from desktop-other to standalone and
    roaming-workstation, to avoid multicast DNS lookup in the
    stationary profiles and ensure DNS names are not generated on the
  * Move cifs-utils from roaming-workstation to common task, to
    ensure SMB mounting can work in any profile.
  * Reduce gtick from depends to suggests, as it do not work with ALSA
    and Pulseaudio, and thus not on thin clients, until #566335 is
  * Change readahead to readahead-fedora to use the new package
    (Closes: #546025).
  * Add depend on debian-installer-netboot-amd64 and
    debian-installer-netboot-i386 in the main-server task, to use the
    planned packages when they show up when bug #570767 is fixed.
    These are alternatives for d-i-bootimages.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Aug 2010 08:00:05 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.848) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Update Standards-Version from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4.  No changes needed.
  * Add sources.list for squeeze-test, to allow us to use it as the
    upload target.
  * common task
    - Depend on libnss-myhostname to ensure the current host name
      always resolve to a local loop interface address on all
    - Drop dash.  It is now part of the Debian default installation
      and enabled as /bin/sh.
    - Drop insserv.  Dependency based boot sequencing is now enabled
      in the Debian default installation.
    - Drop lvm2 and udev.  LVM support is now handled by the official
      debian-installer, and we do not need to list them.
    - Add system-config-lvm as part of the sysadmin toolbox.
    - Drop emacs22 and emacs21 as alternatives to emacs23.  The
      packages are obsolete in Squeeze and lintian warn about it.
    - Change depend on popularity-contest to suggest.  The package is
      installed automatically by d-i, and listing it here just causes
      exim to be installed on machines not wanting to participate.
    - Add python-gtk2 and python-vte as recommends, to make sure the
      reportbug GUI is working.
  * Drop debian-edu-artwork-usplash and usplash from common and
    thin-client task as it is dead upstream and a replacement is
    needed (Closes: #582571).
  * Introduce new task networked-common, to make it possible to drop
    nscd and libpam-krb5 from the roaming-workstation task.  Copy
    content from networked task and make new networked task contain
    packages to avoid for roaming-workstation.  Make the new task
    non-leaf, to avoid showing it as a tasksel task.
  * networked-common task:
    - Reinsert killer as a recommends, now that bug #551753 is fixed.
    - Add jxplorer and luma as recommends in, to get GUI tools for
      browsing and modifying the LDAP tree.
    - Drop libpam-ldap(d), as we will use Kerberos and libpam-krb5
      only from now on.
  * desktop-other task:
    - Drop dhcdbd, it no longer exist in the archive (Closes: #588386).
    - Change planner from suggests to recommends in desktop-other, and
      drop it from desktop-gnome and desktop-lxde, to install it on
      all desktop types.  Based on advice from Andrew Lee (李健秋).
    - Drop xfs.  The default X configuration no longer uses it when it
      is installed.
    - Prefer skanlite as a scanner tool, and drop the others (kooka -
      missing, xsane - skanlite is better and quiteinsane - missing).
  * desktop-kde task:
    - Increase priority of kdeedu from recommends to depends, to make
      sure it is included on the DVD.
    - Recommend virtuoso-minimal, to try to get the package on the
      DVD.  It is needed in KDE 4.
    - Drop obsolete kwin | x-window-manager and ksmserver.
    - The kdenlive package seems to be more used than openmovieeditor
      as a video editor, so stop installing openmovieeditor by default
      and install kdenlive instead.
    - Depend kde-standard, as it is the recommended set of packages to
      use according to the KDE maintainer Sune, and it causes debian-cd
      to put all packages recommended by kde-standard on the DVD.
  * roaming-workstation task:
    - Depend on libpam-mklocaluser, libpam-sss and libnss-sss.
    - Adjust 'Roaming-Workstation' profile name to match the one used
      in debian-edu-install.
    - Add libpam-cracklib, as a workaround for problem with pam_sss
      and pam_unix.
    - Depend on cifs-utils in roaming-workstation, to get SMB mounting
      working in dolphin.
    - Add krb5-auth-dialog.
  * Add krb5-auth-dialog to workstation task, to get a GUI tool to
    view and renew Kerberos tickets.
  * main-server task:
    - Remove libpam-krb5.  It is pulled in by the networked task on
    - Depend on samba-common-bin, to ensure the net command is
      available when installing from the DVD.
    - Depend on smbclient, based on advice from Jürgen Leibner.
    - Drop non-existing db4.2-util.
    - Recommend libapache2-mod-auth-kerb, to allow us to set up web
      services to use Kerberos authentication.
  * Make sure language tasksel tasks have medium priority, to increase
    the chance of getting their packages on the DVD.
  * Reduce priority of kicad documentation in electronics task from
    depends to recommends to try to make room for translations on the
  * Add language specific tasksel tasks for Danish, and remove Danish
    translations from the desktop-other task.
  * Drop Japanese specific packages from the default packages installed,
    and make sure they are listed in the Japanese tasksel tasks.
  * Increase priority of kalgebra from suggests to recommends in the
    mathematics task, as it is a much advertised package in Debian Edu.
  * Drop obsolete/non-existing packages rt2x00-source, zd1211-source and
    nozomi-source from laptop task.
  * Fix test setting for the laptop task, to make sure it make it to
    the tasksel task file and is automatically enabled on laptops.
  * Raise the priority of blender in the graphics task from suggests
    to recommends, as it is mentioned on
  * Reduce tools for disconnected operations libpam-ccreds and nscd to
    suggests, and add libpam-sss, libnss-sss alongside them as they are
    other options for the same functionallity.
  * Update desktop-sugar task, adding sugar-browse-activity (replaces
    sugar-web-activity), sugar-emulator, sugar-session and sugar-tools
    based on packages available in testing at the moment. 
    (Closes: #586243)
  * Make all tasks not used directly during installation (astronomy,
    chemistry, development, electronics, geography, graphics,
    language, logic-games, mathematics, misc, music, physics and
    services) non-leaf tasks, to avoid them showing up in tasksel.
  * Remove versioned entries from the desktop-gnome and desktop-lxde
    tasks.  The task building system do not support versioned entries.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Provide source/format and set it to 1.0.

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Remove sudo in the common task, and add by sudo-ldap in the
    networked-common tasks and sudo to the standalone task.
  * Add dependencies for the kerberos KDC server to the main-server tasks.
  * Add dependencies for kerberos authentication to the
    networked-common tasks.
  * Switch from courier-imap to dovecot-imapd because the latter can use
    kerberos/gssapi authentication.
  * Replace octaviz (which has been removed from squeeze) by octave3.2 in
    the mathmatics task.
  * Add the kredentials-package as suggested to the workstation
    task. However, it looks as if krb5-auth-dialog is better suited
    because it is not dependent on the use of afs.
  * Clean some task files to save some space on the DVD and remove some
    cruft like not available packages:
    - Astonomy: Remove unknown packages ssystem and gstar.
    - Graphics: Move partlibrary and xpaint to "recommends".
    - Mathematics: Reduce grace, graphmonkey, graphthing and xabacus to
      recommends, as there are comparable programs in depends. Only
      recommend octave3.2.
    - Physics: Only cleanup.
  * Add minimal set of GOsa packages as suggests in the main-server
    task, to have them available for testing as soon as possible.
  * Modify task lists:
    - remove: powerdevil, kpowersave, kmilo, kdict, kpilot, kpdf,
      gwenview-* and kghostview because they are depreciated or
    - replace: ksynaptics by kde-config-touchpad, ksirc by konversation,
      kdegraphics-kfile-plugins by kdegraphics-strigi-plugins,
      kdepim-kio-plugins by kdepimlibs-kio-plugins, *i18n* by *l10n*.
    Keep k3b-i18n, as k3b-l10n does not exist.
    Thanks to Sune Vuorela for help and recommendations.
  * Switch from dhcp3* to isc-dhcp*.
  * Add geogebra-kde to suggests.

  [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ]
  * Make sure not to install gdm3 for gnome and lxde as we do not have
    theme for it at the moment.
  * Correct package names in lxde-desktop. (Close:#586618)

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * tasks/language: s/kvoctrain/parley/
  * tasks/mathematics: +rocs
  * tasks/physics: +step
  * tasks/desktop-other: s/kbabel/lokalize/

  [ Luke Faraone ]
  * Update Sugar tasks.
  * Take over future responsibility for Sugar in debian-edu.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:16:36 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
Superseded in squeeze-release
debian-edu (0.847) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add gtk-recordmydesktop to the desktop application list, to
    provide a tool to create screencasts.
  * Add gdb and valgrind to all profiles (common task), to allow KDE
    bug reporting tools and others to extract the backtrace of crashing
  * Drop console-setup, console-terminus, efibootmgr, elilo and
    reiserfsprogs from ignore list.  These packages are pulled in by
    debian installer when required and do not need to be on our task
  * Drop xvncviewer from ignore list.  The krdc package is better.
  * Drop suggests on libpam-devperm, as consolekit take care of its
    use case now.
  * Increase security slightly by activating libpam-tmpdir on all
  * Prefer libpam-ldapd in Squeeze over libpam-ldap (Closes: #570799).
  * Move software development related packages to the development
    task and list them as dependencies there.
  * Prefer gdebi-core over gdebi, to only get the command line
    interface for the sysadmins tool box.
  * Recognize Roaming-workstation as a profile, and provide tasksel
    task for it.
  * Drop xpdf and xpdf-japanese as suggests from desktop-other and
    lang-ja-desktop, as better PDF viewers are already installed.
  * Drop swfdec-mozilla as suggest from desktop-other.  Gnash
    is clearly a better alternative.
  * Drop xeuklides | xeukleides as suggests from mathematichs.  Package
    has been removed from Debian, and upstream seem to be missing.
  * Remove references to the packages kde-i18n-nony, kde-i18n-no,
    koffice-i18n-nony and koffice-i18n-no that was renamed a long time

  [ Andreas B. Mundt ]
  * Recommend qlandkartegt instead of qlandkarte as the latter is a
    transitional package for the successor qlandkartegt.
  * Recommend viking, which is another very useful GPS/mapping program.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 05 May 2010 20:49:54 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.845) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
  * Update email address to use <email address hidden>.

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add convmv to the admin toolbox, it is useful to migrate to UTF-8
    file names from the 8 bit character sets used in Etch.
  * Drop libpam-foreground from common task.  It has been replaced by
  * Small cosmetic cleanups in common task.
  * List gecko-mediaplayer as an alternative for mozilla-mplayer.  It
    will be used in Squeeze, where mozilla-mplayer is no longer
    present (Closes: #570785).  For Lenny, gecko-mediaplayer do not
    exist and is ignored.
  * List autofs5-ldap as an alternative to autofs-ldap, as the latter
    is missing in Squeeze (Closes: #570782).
  * Prefer default-jre over openjdk-6-jre in desktop-other, to avoid
    installing the dependency gcj-jre in addition to
  * Drop libpam-ssh from the common task.  It is not really useful for
    us, and we ran into bug #543303 when it was automatically enabled
    in testing (Closes: #574710).
  * New version will automatically drop removed packages from the
    metapackages (Closes: #563789).
  * Prefer powerdevil over kpowersave in laptop task (Closes: #574891).

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:17:01 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.844) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add nagios-nrpe-plugin to main-server task, to make sure Nagios can
    fetch info from thin client servers.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sat, 30 Jan 2010 19:04:55 +0000
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.843) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Drop now unused packages read-edid, mdetect and hwdata from
    the common task.
  * Install nagios-nrpe-server and nagios-plugins-standard on
    thin client servers, to make sure Nagios can monitor disks
    and internal state.
  * Remove redundant block with earth3d from desktop-other, it is also in

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add autolog as ignored package to networked tasks. After our lenny
    release we should investigate and probably make use of it.
  * Move eagle and worldwind from suggested to ignored packages (from
    the electronics and geography tasks), due to their nonfree

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:18:40 +0100
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.842) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Allow non-free packages on the CD and DVD, to get a better idea on
    which non-free licenses we need to review for the Lenny release.
    Keep sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-jre, sun-java5-plugin on the avoid
    list, as we use openjdk.
  * Drop now obsolete packages cfengine2-doc, kudzu and hotplug from
    the package lists.
  * Replace non-existing squeak with the squeak environment etoys in
    the physics task to get what I believe was the intended package.
  * Recommend dhcping in the common task, adding it to the sysadmin tool box.
  * Add bash-completion to the common task, to make sure bash behave the
    same in Debian Edu and the normal Debian installation.
  * Recommend acpi-support-base in education-thin-client, to make sure
    power button events work on thin clients and diskless workstations
    (Solves skolelinux bug #1411).  Not using depend as I am unsure it
    exist on all architectures.
  * Rewrite meta package education-thin-client to a task.  This make
    it show up as a tasksel task too, but that should not affect the
    installation.  Some depends are changed to recommends, but LTSP
    installs recommends in non-kiosk mode and should still install the
    packages we want.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Mon, 04 Jan 2010 19:00:08 +0100
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.841) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Add gtkwhiteboard, bluetooth, xournal, wmgui and wminput as
    ignored packages in desktop-other, to put the tools required for
    a Wii remote driven whiteboard on our watch list.
  * Add powertop to the laptop installs, to have the power usage tuning
    tool available on laptops.
  * Recommend nvram-wakeup together with shutdown-at-night, to make sure
    the tool to ask the BIOS to wake up is installed when it is

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Improve grammar in the description of the education-thin-client packages.
    (Closes: #560372)

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:19:16 +0100
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.840) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to Debian unstable.

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Nov 2009 13:09:37 +0100
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.839) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to Debian unstable. 

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:17:12 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
debian-edu (0.838) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Use openjdk-6-jre and icedtea6-plugin as the Java alternative, and avoid
    the non-free SUN packages.

  [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
  * add lintian override for education-desktop-other, depends-on-metapackage.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Avoid to install fam, as it is buggy, using up all available CPU. 
    (Closes: skolelinux# 1375)

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * Correct our tasksel tests, make sure the arguments are passed on
    to the real script.
  * Rewrite how our tasks are selected, by letting the tasks
    themselves declare which profiles they belong to.  This get
    language and desktop specific enhancing tasks working, because the
    desktop-other task is selected as a task and not just included as
    a package in other tasks.
  * common task:
    - Add consolekit and libpam-ck-connector as depends, and reduce
      libpam-foreground to recommends.  Consolekit is replacing
      pam-foreground, but we need to update the install configuration
      before the switch is complete.
    - Add firmware packages needed to get hardware working out of the
    - Add mlocate, which used to be part of findutils and installed by
      default in Etch.  Solves Skolelinux bug #1334.
  * main-server task:
    - Depend on syslinux and recommend memtest86 for PXE install option.
  * networked task:
    - Rename cupsys to cups, to track the new name of the package.
      (Closes: 529943, 529945)
  * desktop-other task:
    - Depend on xserver-xorg-input-all in addition to xorg, to make
      sure all input modules are installed even on laptops (where one
      input module is pulled in, and aptitude concluded that thte
      xserver-org dependency was provided.  Depend on
      xserver-xorg-video-all too, to make sure the same do not happen
      with video drivers until video module package is detected
    - Remove alternative firefox packages that was listed as an
      alternative for iceweasel.  They only exist as transition
      packages, and confused tasksel.
    - Update gnash related packages from suggests to depends and
      recommends, as most test pages work with gnash in Lenny.
    - Make ttf-mscorefonts-installer the preferred alternative to
      msttcorefonts, to use the new name of the package.
    - Rename cupsys-client and cupsys-bsd to cups-client and cups-bsd,
      to track the new name of the package.
    - Suggest worldwind in addition to earth3d, as it is a more mature
      application with a similar purpose.
    - Suggest packages for chinese support, proposed by Andrew Lee.
    - Depend on libgl1-mesa-dri to get accelerated 3D graphis, according
      to tests done by José L. Redrejo Rodríguez.
    - Depend on numlockx to get working NumLock key in X.
    - Update sun java package version from 5 to 6.
    - Suggest libwine-alsa and libwine-oss for wine, proposed by
      José L. Redrejo Rodríguez.
    - Recommend gimp-ufraw along gimp, to support importing raw images.
  * desktop-gnome task:
    - Add tasksel test to install desktop-gnome instead of desktop-kde when
      desktop=gnome is used as a boot parameter during installation.
  * desktop-kde task:
    - Avoid  php4-cli, php4 and libapache2-mod-php4 to try to only get
      php5 on the DVD, and hopefully get lwat and slbackup-php to install.
  * thin-client-server task:
    - recommend gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio, pulseaudio, pulseaudio-esound-compat
      and pulseaudio-utils to make sure we can send sound to thin clients.
  * geography task:
    - Suggest worldwind in addition to earth3d, as it is a more mature
      application with a similar purpose.
  * sugar task:
    - Recommend packages recommended by the sugar packages (net-tools,
      gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, xserver-xephyr, x11-xserver-utils,
      openssh-client, ttf-dejavu-extra, python-olpc-datastore,
      python-gst0.10, avahi-daemon), to have them installed by
      tasksel when the sugar task is selected.
  * electronics task:
    - Depend on gpsim-led | gpsim-lded instead of the obsolete
      gpsim-lded (Closes: #497509).  Thanks to Steven Van Acker
      for the tip.
  * Drop tasks lang-nb-main-server, now that the enhances stuff is
    tested and found to be working.
  * New tasks lang-no-desktop and lang-no-desktop-kde with norwegian
    translations and spell checker config moved from desktop-other
    and desktop-kde.
  * New lang-zh_TW-desktop task:
    - Install support for chinese when a Taiwanese desktop is selected.
  * New lang-zh_TW-desktop-kde task:
    - Install KDE translations when a Taiwanese desktop is selected.
  * Make sure tasks/lang-no-desktop enhances education-desktop-other as
    well as education-lang-no, to only install it when the desktop
    profiles (ie not main-server and minimal) are installed.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Include patch by Andreas Tille to improve the task names for the
    lang-n[bn]-desktop* task files. (Closes: #491661)
  * Make the nonfree firmwares a suggests not a depends.
  * Remove gimp-print from desktop-others recommends, since the functionality
    is now provided by the gimp package.

  [ Daniel Hess ]
  * Remove "Leaf: false" from desktop-gnome and desktop-kde tasks to
    make them appear as tasks and not only as packages. This enables
    tasksel to actually install KDE or GNOME again.

  [José L. Redrejo Rodríguez]
  * Several changes to test the language tasks installation
  	- lang-es  and lang-no tasks: useless package added to test
  	  installation of this task and removed enhancing of
  	- lang-es tasks: changed the tasksel test to use the original test
  	  from the tasksel package
  * Fixed a typo in all the lang tasks

  [ Andreas Tille ] 
  * tasks/desktop-other: recommend gtk-qt-engine instead of
    gtk2-engines-gtk-qt (Closes: #519472)

  [ Holger Levsen]
  * tasks/main-server: install powerdns (packages pdns-backend-ldap
    and pdns-recursor) as default, alternatively depend on bind9 so
    that upgrades from etch are smooth.
  * Get rid of all traces of thunderbird, it has been replace by icedove.
  * Add German tasks (lang-de, lang-de-desktop, lang-de-desktop-kde).

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * tasks/desktop-sugar:
    - Ignore ejabberd to put it on our radar for the Sugar
      collaboration server.
    - Add xinit and xorg to make sure a working X11 environment is
  * tasks/common and tasks/networked: Install cups related packages on
    all profiles to make sure a standalone installs also can print.
  * Add Japanese subtasks (lang-ja, lang-ja-desktop,
    lang-ja-desktop-kde).  Moved Japanese packages from desktop-other.
  * Add Hebrew subtasks (lang-he, lang-he-desktop,
    lang-he-desktop-kde).  Moved Hebrew packages from desktop-other.
  * Correct lenny-test sources.list to look for packages in lenny, not
    testing (which now is lenny+1).
  * Move norwegian spell checking tools from the norwegian desktop
    task to the norwegian task, to get it installed in main-menu and
    sugar environments.
  * Drop memtester from watch list, as we use an equivalent package
    already.  Replace memtest86 with memtest86+ based on
    recommondation from Vagrant.
  * Drop obsolete ext2resize from watch list.
  * Drop ghostview from package list.  It is called gv now.
  * Add gpscorrelate and qlandkarte to the watch list in the
    geography task.
  * Add d-i-bootimages to main-server task, to get the PXE boot images
    included on the DVD.
  * tasks/common:
    - Add popular packages deborphan, hddtemp, htop, screen and mc
      as recommends to get then installed by default.
  * tasks/graphics:
    - Add popular package dcraw as ignored to put it on the watch list.
  * tasks/music:
    - Add popular package cmt as ignored to put it on the watch list.
  * Add North Sami subtasks (lang-se, lang-se-desktop-kde).  Moved
    North Sami packages from desktop-other.

  [ Claudio Carboncini ]
  * Add Italian tasks (lang-it, lang-it-desktop, lang-it-desktop-kde)

  [ José L. Redrejo Rodríguez ]
  * Add Spanish tasks (lang-es, lang-es-desktop, lang-es-desktop-kde)

  [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
  * Added education-thin-client package, to simplify ltsp-build-client plugins.
  * Remove test for education-thin-client, as it's only for getting
    dependencies on the CD and not meant to be installed.
    (Resolves Skolelinux bug #1349)
  * Add myself to Uploaders.
  * Add flags to allow Debian-Maintainer uploads.
  * Make education-thin-client a metapackage with hard dependencies rather
    than a task and metapackage with recommends.
  * education-thin-client-server: allow tftpd-hpa as alternative to atftpd
    (Closes: #537650).
  * education-desktop-other: add suggests on fet, a tool for generating
    timetables (Closes: #500595).
  * Track Ubuntu's karmic release instead of gutsy/feisty. 
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed.

 -- Vagrant Cascadian <email address hidden>  Wed, 23 Sep 2009 00:06:54 -0700
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
Published in lenny-release
debian-edu (0.837) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * Add more verbose description (almost verbatin copy of on how to add
    packages to our tasks to README.source.
  * Add a suggests to tuxtype-data-nonfree to tasks/misc.

  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
  * common task:
    - Add iotop to the sysadmin toolbox.
    - Recommend memtest86, to get the memtest boot option in grub.
  * networked task:
    - Suggests denyhosts, as it is useful to block ssh server brute
      force attacks.
    - Depend on shutdown-at-night.  Need to be enabled too.
    - Upgrade killer from suggests to recommends, as it is working now.
    - Reduce ocsinventory-agent package from recommends to suggests,
      until we know how to set these packages up automatically.
  * main-server task:
    - Reduce ocsinventory related packages from recommends to suggests,
      as the server is impossible to configure within debian-installer.
  * laptop task:
    - Rename obsolete xfree86-driver-synaptics to the replacement
    - Drop packages acpi, acpi-support, acpid, anacron, apmd,
      bluetooth, hibernate, hotkey-setup, pcmciautils, uswsusp and
      wireless-tools also pulled in by the Laptop task in Debian
      Lenny.  No need to duplicate them in our laptop task, as both
      are installed.
    - Add code to automatically enable this task on laptops.
  * music task:
    - Upgrade recommends and suggests on swh-plugins, mcp-plugins, qsynth,
      fluidsynth, fluid-soundfont-gm, qjackctl and jackd to depends, to
      make sure rosegarden with software synth work out of the box.
  * networked task:
    - Depend on ldapvi as part of the LDAP toolbox for easier LDAP
      directory updates.
  * thin-client-server task:
    - Replace dhcp3-server with dhcp3-server-ldap, to use the same DHCP
      server as the main-server.
  * desktop-other task:
    - Replace kaffeine-mozilla with mozilla-mplayer in the default
      installation, as it seem to be the best option for playing
      multimedia on web pages.
  * New task lang-nb-desktop:
    - Enhancing desktop-other, pulling in nb spell checking tool and
      gcompris sound.
  * lang-nb-main-server task:
    - Create test task to be able to test the tasksel enhances feature
      without having to install a complete desktop, to speed up
  * Updated cdd-dev build dependency to >= 0.5.5, to get a version with
    support for the Enhances and Metapackage headers.

  [José L. Redrejo Rodríguez]
  * misc task:
    - Added pysycache dependency
  * Improved menu reordering when using the Kids menu
  * Improved perfomance of group searching with desktop-profiles menus

 -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 16 Jul 2008 11:53:30 +0000
151180 of 180 results