Change log for uswsusp package in Debian

115 of 15 results
Published in buster-release
Deleted in sid-release (Reason: None provided.)
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-6.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * B-d on libgcrypt20-dev instead of (dummy transition package)
    libgcrypt11-dev.  Closes: #864139

 -- Andreas Metzler <email address hidden>  Sat, 27 Oct 2018 09:52:54 +0200
Superseded in buster-release
Published in stretch-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-6.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Fix "ftbfs with GCC-5": add patch from Andrew James:
    use C99 inline semantics.
    (Closes: #778159)

 -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:12:45 +0200
Deleted in stretch-release (Reason: None provided.)
Published in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Updated debian/initramfs-tools/hooks/uswsusp to allow lines with trailing
    spaces, lines starting with spaces,... like the debian/uswsusp.config and
    debian/uswsusp.postinst scripts do it. The line with the sed call was
    modified. [Closes: #758128]
  * Disabled image encryption to avoid FTBFS. I hold the bug #758995 still
    open and I will work to re-enable the encription support.
    [Closes: #763260]

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Aug 2014 12:53:46 +0200

Available diffs

Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Bumped Standard Version to 3.9.5.
    * Files uswsusp.config, uswsusp.postinst, uswsusp.postrm and
      uswsusp.preinst are now UTF-8.
  * Solved bug in uswsusp.config about uuid devices.
  * Added the "compile" file to "extend-diff-ignore" option in the file
    debian/source/options. This file is created by the new version of automake.
  * Updated Vcs-* fields in debian/control to use Alioth.
  * Added libswitch-perl package in debian/control, as Build dependency. The
    module was removed from perl core, and is included as optional
    package. [Closes: #739535]

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Sun, 29 Dec 2013 19:10:20 +0100
Deleted in jessie-release (Reason: None provided.)
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Reference swap devices as /dev/disk/by-uuid by default. [Closes: #572729]
    * Added function dev_to_uuid in debian/uswsusp.config.
  * New patch debian/patches/10_checksum_buffer_size.patch. [Closes: #638787]
    * This patch fixes the buffer overrun to fix the comparison with the image
      checksum. Patch sent by Alberto Garcia <email address hidden>.

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:01:03 +0200

Available diffs

Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Close the problem for powerpc FTBFS.
    * New patch debian/patches/00_ppc_ftbfs.patch to patch upstream code
      that fails to build from source in PowerPC architecture.
    * The patch debian/patches/08_disable_kms_cfg_file.patch rewritten,
      is the same code, but in different files.
    * Headers for other debian/patches changed, because the code was sent
      to upstream (Forwarded fields updated).
  * Changed maintainer email address from <email address hidden> to <email address hidden>.

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Sat, 06 Jul 2013 15:54:11 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20120915-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version. [Closes: #634117, #628546, #392168]
  * Some upstream code corrections:
    * Minor typecasting warnings:
    * Incorrect argument request:
    * Disable KMS using config file:
  * Added UUID support. [Closes: #664101, #701755, #501223]
    * Required libblkid-dev in debian/control.
    * New patch file debian/patches/05_uuid_support.patch.
  * debian/compat is now version 9.
    * debian/dirs moved to uswsusp.dirs.
    * debian/install moved to debian/uswsusp.install and rewrited.
    * debian/links moved to debian/uswsusp.links.
  * Bumped Standard Version to 3.9.4.
    * New Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields.
  * debian/rules changed:
    * Removed commented lines.
    * Now uses
    * Removed manpages regeneration. See below.
    * Removed dh_clean override.
      * Added extend-diff-ignore to debian/source/options.
  * Removed debian/patches/04_debian_paths.patch because ./
    is included in debian/rules, so modify ./configure is not needed.
    * automake and libtool are required to build the package.
      Added to debian/control.
  * Manpages are included now in upstream.
    * Manpages are now not regenerated. The package doesn't depends now on
      xml tools. docbook-xsl, docbook-xml, xsltproc and docbook2x package
      dependencies removed in debian/control.
      * debian/rules updated.
      * debian/manpages updated.
    * Removed manpage files at debian folder (debian/*.[58] debian/*.[58].xml.
    * New debian/patches/04_uswsusp_manpages.patch to change
      the suspend-utils strings to uswsusp.
    * Manpage spelling corrections [Closes: #672647].
      * Patch sent by Jon Dowland <email address hidden>.
  * debian/lintian-overrides: Added no-upstream-changelog.
  * debian/uswsusp.* debconf script rewrited.
  * Support for swap files. [Closes: #515739]
    * Removed "02" characters in debian/uswsusp.config.
      Patch sent by Alan Jenkins <email address hidden>
  * Imagesize now is unsigned long. [Closes: #676617]
    * Patch sent by Luca Tettamanti.
  * Initramfs conf.d script moved to compiletime config conf-hooks.d.
    [Closes: #575538]
    * Comments added to the file.
  * Removed uswsusp/splash debconf template because splasy package is not
    available. Files changed: debian/uswsusp.config, debian/uswsusp.postinst
    and debian/uswsusp.templates. [Closes: #697886]
  * Template errors are now "text". [Closes: #564152]
    Templates were: uswsusp/no_snapshot and uswsusp/no_swap.
  * Updated debian/NEWS.
  * README file include more info about s2ram methods:
    Patch debian/patches/09_readme_new_options.patch.

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Sun, 26 May 2013 21:24:30 +0200
Superseded in jessie-release
Published in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20110509-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer.
  * debian/control: Build-Depends, double "autotools-dev" dependency.
    Removing one of them.
  * debian/uswsusp.templates: Solved small typo in one template.
    Patch from David Prévot <email address hidden> [Closes: #686258]
  * Debconf translation updates:
    - cs: Michal Šimůnek <email address hidden> [Closes: #687194]
    - da: Joe Hansen <email address hidden> [Closes: #686458]
    - de: Holger Wansing <email address hidden> [Closes: #686732]
    - es: Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden> [Closes: #686771]
    - fr: Christian Perrier <email address hidden> [Closes: #686911]
    - it: Luca Monducci <email address hidden> [Closes: #686486]
    - jp: Victory <email address hidden>
    - nl: Willem Kuyn <email address hidden>
    - pl: Michał Kułach <email address hidden> [Closes: #686599]
    - pt: Traduz <email address hidden> [Closes: #686734]
    - ru: Yuri Kozlov <email address hidden> [Closes: #686476]
    - sk: Ivan Masár <email address hidden> [Closes: #686532]
    - sv: Martin Bagge <email address hidden> [Closes: #688421]

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Mon, 3 Sep 2012 23:11:35 +0200
Superseded in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20110509-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) ]
  * In the version 1.0-1 the uswsusp uses KMS and follow the kernel
    [Closes: #500794] 
  * Machine support using whitelist finished in version 1.0-1
    [Closes: #520848, #518369, #498195, #497848, #526938, #509635]
    [Closes: #495436, #497842, #591066, #402365, #498917, #521147]
    [Closes: #541135, #530389, #574874]
  * In version 1.0-2: Corrected the doble quote in the uswsusp hook
    [Closes: #604427]
  * All debian/patches includes now description. DEP-3
  * Debian standard version is now 3.9.2
  * Debian changelog is now DEP-5

 -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Sun, 25 Sep 2011 16:17:13 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20110509-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Non-maintainer upload.  * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:    - Vietnamese (Clytie Siddall).  Closes: #601560    - Dutch (willem kuyn).  Closes: #622914    - Danish (Joe Hansen).  Closes: #624659 -- Christian Perrier <email address hidden>  Sun, 24 Jul 2011 12:29:35 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0+20110509-1) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) ]  * New upstream version from git  * Now the postinst script checks if /dev/MAKEDEV exists [Closes: #522707]  * The uswsusp.postinst file writes correctly the conf file [Closes: #524301]  * Added "shutdown_method" in the NOTQ in uswsusp.config.     Is included in the 0.7 version, but not in 0.8. [Closes: #503337] -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Mon, 9 May 2011 00:04:43 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) ]  * New 1.0 version [Closes: #589743, #578496, #617534]  * A lot of new machines.     [Closes: #552484, #576803, #528483]     [Closes: #495111, #595125, #486352, #433872, #590233]   * A new length for addressing     [Closes: #550725, #549118]    (  * Support for Kernel Mode Set (KMS)     [Closes: #437094, #586674, #547158, #567604]  * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format  * Compiled without splash support.     libsplash is not included in stable, many bugs.  * Moved the manpage file "suspend.conf.8" to manual section 5.    [Closes: #520705]  [ Anibal Monsalve Salazar ]  * Update uploaders list -- Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <email address hidden>  Mon, 14 Mar 2011 08:26:16 +0100
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (0.8-1.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Apply patch by Robert Millan to address the 'postinst fails when
    running inside a chroot and swap is a regular file' issue.
    [Closes: #533251, #522319]

 -- Michael Prokop <email address hidden>  Sat, 12 Dec 2009 23:19:28 +0100
Superseded in sid-release
uswsusp (0.8-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload to fix pending l10n issues.
  * Remove extra and useless debian/po/ff/ directory
  * Debconf translation updates:
    - Japanese. Closes: #489939
    - German. Closes: #493747
    - French. Closes: #493771
    - Romanian. Closes: #493772
    - Galician. Closes: #494050
    - Finnish. Closes: #494087
    - Italian. Closes: #494096
    - Basque. Closes: #494277
    - Basque. Closes: #494277
    - Czech. Closes: #494410
    - Swedish. Closes: #494412
    - Russian. Closes: #495412
    - Portuguese. Closes: #495451
    - Spanish. Closes: #495499
    - Slovak. Closes: #495516

 -- Christian Perrier <email address hidden>  Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:09:13 +0200
Deleted in squeeze-release (Reason: None provided.)
Published in lenny-release
uswsusp (0.7-1.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Build depend on libpci-dev (closes: #478395) 
  * Don't build depend on zlib1g-dev.
  * Don't link with -lz in Makefile.
  * Don't link to libpci.a in vbetool/
  * Don't link with -lz in vbetool/

 -- Anibal Monsalve Salazar <email address hidden>  Sun, 04 May 2008 16:08:00 +1000
115 of 15 results