kvirc (4:4.9.2~git20170827-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* Upload to experimental.
* Add myself to Uploaders.
* Package the current development snapshot, using Qt5 (Closes: #784490,
+ doesn't install /usr/share/kde4/apps/kvirc/kvirc.notifyrc and
* Update the B-D accordingly.
* Update the cmake B-D minimum version to 3.1.0.
* Don't use -Wl,--no-undefined as it doesn't work with the modules.
* Don't install anything into /usr/share/pixmaps.
* Install /usr/share/mime/packages/kvirc.xml manually as the upstream
currently doesn't do that.
* Update the expression for -DMANUAL_REVISION to work with git snapshot
-- Andrey Rahmatullin <email address hidden> Sun, 27 Aug 2017 19:34:16 +0500