Change logs for ppp source package in Experimental

  • ppp (2.5.0-1+1) experimental; urgency=medium
      [ Debian Janitor ]
      * Remove 1 obsolete maintscript entry.
      * Update renamed lintian tag names in lintian overrides.
      * Update standards version to 4.6.1, no changes needed.
      * Update lintian override info format in d/ppp.lintian-overrides on line 2,
        5-6, 12, 15.
      * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository-Browse.
      * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster (oldstable):
        + ppp: Drop versioned constraint on network-manager, network-manager-pptp
          and pppdcapiplugin in Breaks.
      [ Marco d'Itri ]
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #992205, #1009651)
      [ Chris Boot ]
      * Acknowledge NMU. (Closes: #100306)
      * Remove shipped pppd/pppdconf.h when configuring.
      * Drop removed pppoe-discovery -A switch in ppp-udeb. (Closes: #1042881)
      * Add comments to resolv.conf when rewritten by 0000usepeerdns. (Closes:
        #970075, #979611)
      * Upload to experimental.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Sun, 10 Sep 2023 19:03:09 +0530
  • ppp (2.4.8-1+1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * d/patches:
        - Remove patches applied upstream.
        - Refresh other patches to remove fuzz.
        - Some patches required significant reworking:
          - cifdefroute.dif (for replacedefaultroute)
          - makefiles_cleanup
      * d/ppp.symbols:
        - adjust symbols for new release.
        - add Build-Depends-Package metadata field.
      * Switch to debhelper compat level 12.
        - Remove d/compat.
        - Replace Build-Depends on debhelper with debhelper-compat (= 12).
      * Remove d/upstream/signing-key.asc. Upstream no loner supplied signed
      * Fix various lintian complaints:
        - d/rules: don't trigger ldconfig unnecessarily.
        - d/rules: remove obsolete get-orig-source target.
        - d/ppp.lintian-overrides: update version in plugins path.
        - d/ppp.lintian-overrides: add new override for
      * Remove pppd-dns init script and systemd unit, which have been broken since
        ppp 2.4.5-1.
      * Update pppoe-discovery(8) man page.
      * Enable systemd notify integration.
      * d/rules: don't set LDOPTS now that the makefiles use LDFLAGS correctly.
      * Add patch to handle IPv6 RADIUS attributes. (Closes: #874620)
      * d/ppp-udeb.postinst:
        - Source /etc/network/interfaces.d snippets in /etc/network/interfaces file
          generated by debian-installer udeb. (Closes: #889314)
        - Prevent NetworkManager from managing the interface being used for PPPoE.
          (Closes: #889323)
        - Thanks to Алексей Шилин for the patches.
      * Update Standards-Version to 4.5.0 (no changes requird).
      * Add debian/salsa-ci.yml for GitLab CI, but disable reprotest which
        currently fails when files need chowning (salsa-ci-team/pipeline#26).
      * Import patches since upstream 2.4.8 release:
        - radius: Prevent buffer overflow in rc_mksid (replaces
          rc_mksid-no-buffer-overflow fixing #782450)
        - pppd: Fix bounds check in EAP code (Closes: #950618; CVE-2020-8597)
        - pppd: Ignore received EAP messages when not doing EAP
        - Refresh eaptls-mppe.patch to remove fuzz.
      * Add d/patches/multiarch-libc.patch: Use a compile test to detect crypt.h.
        (Closes: #911359)
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Sat, 15 Feb 2020 16:42:26 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-2+1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Switch to debhelper compat level 11.
        - Set debian/compat to 11.
        - Bump Build-Depends on debhelper to >= 11~.
        - Remove Build-Depends on dh-systemd.
        - Remove implicit --with systemd from debian/rules.
        - Switch to dh_installsystemd helper.
      * Update Standards-Version to 4.1.3:
        - Remove Priority extra from ppp-dev.
      * debian/rules: use dpkg helpers for parsing debian/changelog.
      * Incorporate the EAP-TLS patch for pppd: (Closes: #602503)
        - debian/patches/eaptls-mppe.patch: add ppp-2.4.7-eaptls-mppe-0.999.patch.
        - debian/control: add libssl-dev to Build-Depends.
        - debian/changelog: bump the ABI revision number to account for removed
          symbols (MD5 now comes from OpenSSL).
        - debian/rules: don't include EAP-TLS support in the udeb build.
      * debian/changelog: remove trailing whitepace.
      * Switch to OpenSSL implementations of MD4, MD5 and SHA1: (Closes: #826625)
        - debian/patches/replace-vendored-hash-functions.patch: remove embedded
          crypto code copies, unconditionally link with libcrypto, update
          includes, amend call sites as required.
        - debian/ppp.symbols: remove dropped symbols.
      * Import patches added to upstream Git since the 2.4.7 upstream release,
        correcting numerous minor bugs. Of note:
        - 0002-pppd-add-support-for-defaultroute-metric-option.patch: this patch
          is NOT currently applied due to conflicts with the cifdefroute.dif
          patch, which adds the replacedefaultroute and noreplacedefaultroute
        - 0013-pppd-allow-use-of-arbitrary-interface-names.patch: upstream import
          of our ppp-2.4.2-ifname.diff patch.
        - 0016-pppoe-include-netinet-in.h-before-linux-in.h.patch: upstream patch
          that replaces our fix-rp-pppoe-ftbfs.patch.
        - Refreshed 018_ip-up_option.diff and makefiles_cleanup on top of the new
      * Tweak pon and poff bash-completions files for new versions of
        bash-completion. (Closes: #882199)
      * debian/ppp-udeb.postinst: consider interface names using udev predictable
        interface naming. (Closes: #873391)
      * d/control: declare that the build requires root.
      * Move packaging from Alioth to Salsa.
      * Upload to experimental.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Sun, 11 Feb 2018 19:17:06 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-1+2~exp3) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Remove obsolete conffile /etc/bash_completion.d/pon. (Closes: #807238)
      * Remove redundant full stop in pppd-dns.service systemd unit file.
        (Closes: #794348)
      * Ignore $global$ symbol which appears only on hppa.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Wed, 30 Dec 2015 18:16:20 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-1+2~exp2) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Update symbols file to ignore "private" symbols (starting with an
        underscore) which invariably come from static glibc libraries, along with
        any symbols with a "version" starting GLIBC_. These don't come from pppd
        and vary between architectures and glibc versions. Fixes FTBFS on i386 and
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:43:58 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-1+2~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Enable "pie" hardening flag.
      * Add a symbols file for ppp and validate it during builds.
        - debian/patches/pppd-soname-hack.patch: add a SONAME to pppd so that
          dpkg-gensymbols will inspect it.
        - debian/rules: override dh_makeshlibs to inspect pppd and fail hard if
          the symbols change compared to the symbols file.
        - debian/ppp.symbols: symbols generated for this version of pppd (on
        - debian/README.source: document this unusual setup.
      * Upload to experimental.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Sat, 05 Dec 2015 13:35:51 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-1+1~exp2) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Add a --plugin-dir option to dh_ppp that can be used to obtain the path to
        the ppp plugin directory.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Thu, 19 Nov 2015 13:59:17 +0000
  • ppp (2.4.7-1+1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Remove all of the patches cherry-picked from 2.4.7 upstream.
      * Update lintian overrides to account for changed plugin path.
      * Promote myself to the Maintainer field with Marco's approval. Move Marco
        to the Uploaders field. Thank you for many years spent maintaining this
      * Correct lintian warning maintainer-script-without-set-e in all maintainer
      * Switch to debhelper 9, including the command sequencer:
        - Set debian/compat to 9.
        - Bump Build-Depends on debhelper to >= 9~.
        - Rewrite debian/rules.
        - Use ppp.manpages rather than overriding dh_installman.
        - Use *.install files rather than copying files; move files around in
          debian/extra to make this clearer.
        - Use ppp.examples rather than calling dh_installexamples ourselves.
      * Remove some very old unused patches from debian/extra/PATCHES.
      * Update debian/watch (new upstream download URL) and debian/rules
        get-orig-source target.
      * Introduce ABI tracking to help packages that build plugins:
        - Introduce a new ABI version field to the package version number.
        - Document the version numbering scheme in README.source.
        - Add dh_ppp script, 'ppp' debhelper addon and /usr/share/ppp-dev/substvars
          file to help generate Depends or Breaks lines.
        - Document the debhelper tools in ppp-dev's README.Debian.
        - At build time, make sure the package's upstream version matches the
          version in pppd/patchlevel.h, and make sure there is an ABI revision in
          the package version.
      * Install pon/poff bash_completion file to
      * Upload to experimental.
     -- Chris Boot <email address hidden>  Fri, 06 Nov 2015 15:32:25 +0000