Change logs for ssss source package in Lenny

  • ssss (0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * New maintainer. Thanks David. (Closes: #387234)
      * Switch to quilt for patch management.
      * debian/compat:
        - Switch to level 5.
      * debian/copyright:
        - Add proper copyright statement and license header.
        - Add a statement about the copyright on the Debian packaging.
      * debian/rules:
        - Remove unneeded configure targets.
        - Remove unused dh_ calls.
        - Actually use the CFLAGS in the build.
        - Comment out DH_VERBOSE = 1.
      * debian/control:
        - Change the maintainer to myself.
        - Update Standards-Version to 3.7.2 (no changes required).
        - Add ${misc:Depends}.
        - Improve description.
        - Add Homepage: field.
        - Bump dependency on debhelper to >= 5.0.
      * debian/patches:
        - 01-Makefile-install: The patch from the last version to add an install
        - 05-man-hyphen: Escape all hyphens in the manpage source so they come
          out as the correct groff characters.
      * debian/watch:
        - Add.
     -- James Westby <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Sep 2006 01:13:52 +0100