Change logs for libgnome source package in Stretch

  • libgnome (2.32.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
      * debian/
        + Move to section oldlibs.
      [ Josselin Mouette ]
      * Add missing build-dependency on gnome-common.
      * Migrate to multiarch. Closes: #642415, #731295.
        + Bump build-dependencies.
        + Split libgnome2-0 into libgnome-2-0 (library, MA: same) and 
          libgnome2-bin (binary, MA: foreign).
        + Make libgnome2-common MA: foreign and libgnome2-dev MA: same.
        + Keep libgnome2-0 arch: any and MA: same so that multi-arch 
          packages can still depend on it.
        + Update installation paths.
        + Build-depend on MA version of libbonobo.
      * Remove gnome:Version.
      * 00_as-needed.patch: dropped, obsolete.
      * 03_multiarch.patch: revert the logic, use /usr/lib as a fallback in 
        search paths.
     -- Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>  Fri, 27 Dec 2013 12:07:07 +0100