Change logs for acct source package in Wheezy

  • acct (6.5.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Acknowledge NMU.  * New upstream release: 6.5.5  * debian/patches/03-acct-file.patch: update for new release.  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1.  * debian/control: Drop quilt Build-Depends (not needed in 3.0 quilt format).  * debian/rules: Drop the usage of (and calls to patch/unpatch).  * debian/patches/581421-sa-hz-division.patch: update to unbreak specifying    --other-acct-file for 'sa', remove other unnecessary hunks as well.  * debian/patches/12-ftbfs-kfreebsd.patch: apply patch to fix builds    on kfreebsd, with some adjustements due to parts of the patch already    applied upstream. Many thanks to Mats Erik Andersson for the patch.    (Closes: 600284)  * debian/patches/441927-accton-without-args.patch: slightly update docs    to have it agree with accton, which can't be called without arguments.    (Closes: 441927)  * debian/control: update Maintainer entry for GPG key change. -- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden>  Fri, 25 Feb 2011 20:31:15 -0500
  • acct (6.5.4-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * NMU with maintainer's blessing.
      * Call autoreconf in debian/rules, add autoconf and automake to
        Thanks to Mats Erik Andersson for the hint to how to solve this.
        (closes: #579483).
     -- Ralf Treinen <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 Sep 2010 22:06:24 +0200