Degu 0.16

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Jason Gerard DeRose
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Release notes 

Degu 0.16 again brings a number of small breaking API changes; however, the changes in this release are quite unlikely to break the behavior of existing Degu server and client consumers during normal run-time use. If any changes are needed to port your applications to Degu 0.16, it will most likely be changes to your unit tests.

For full details, see:

Breaking API changes:

* The `degu.base.Bodies` namedtuple has been renamed to `degu.base.API`, plus the new `Range` and `ContentRange` attributes were added

* The `degu.base.bodies` constant has been renamed to `degu.base.api` and is now a `degu.base.API` instance; for backward compatibility, `degu.base.bodies` is still available as as alias for `degu.base.api`, but note that `degu.base.bodies` will be removed in a future Degu release

* The `degu.client.Connection.bodies` attribute has been renamed to `degu.client.Connection.api` and is now a `degu.base.API` instance; for backward compatibility, `degu.client.Connection.bodies` is still available as as alias for `degu.client.Connection.api`, but note that `degu.client.Connection.bodies` will be removed in a future Degu release

* `degu.server.Request.shift_path()` now returns None when `degu.server.Request.path` is empty (rather than raising an IndexError)

* The `read_chunk()` and `write_chunk()` functions have been removed from the `degu.base` module, as they were only useful for unit testing and illustration, had no value during normal run-time-use; equivalent functions might eventually be added to the `degu.misc` module

* The `parse_headers()` and `format_headers()` functions have been moved from the `degu.base` module to `degu.misc`, as they were only useful for unit testing and illustration, had no value during normal run-time-use

* The *base_headers* argument provided to the `degu.client.Connection` constructor now must be a tuple of (key,value) pairs instead of a dict; as before, *base_headers* can still be None, which is treated the same as an empty tuple

New API additions:

* The `degu.client.Client` and `degu.client.SSLClient` constructors now take an optional *authorization* keyword option, which can be used to specify a static HTTP Authorization header that will be unconditionally included in each HTTP request made by `degu.client.Connection.request()`

* The `degu.client.Client.set_base_header()` method was added, providing a mechanism for 3rd-party applications to set addition base headers without adding new keyword options to the `degu.client.Client` constructor

* The `degu.misc.mkreq()` function was added, which makes it easier to construct well-formed `degu.server.Request` instances for unit-testing

* The `degu.misc.mkuri()` function was added, which makes it easier to build a valid HTTP request URI from RGI-like path and query components for unit-testing

* The `degu.applib` module was added, with the goal of providing a library of RGI application and middleware components for common scenarios; thus far it contains two components:

 1 - `degu.applib.RouterApp` - generic RGI routing middleware

 2 - `degu.applib.ProxyApp` - generic RGI reverse-proxy application


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