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1120 of 41 releases

icehouse-2 (i-2) release from the icehouse series released

Release information



* DevStack: Set the correct state_path
* Disabled paging by default
* Don't install designate packages twice with Devstack
* Add support for paging in V2 api for collections
* Add RMQ+Other options to sample config
* Switch to oslo.rootwrap
* Sync with oslo-incubator 9a7f2f85
* Sync with global-requirements
* Blacklists mysql error
* Add paging to Central rpcapi and service
* Adds support for paging in the storage layer
* Shouldn't pass items to get_collection_href here
* Ensure default DB connection strings use unique defaults
* Fix arguments in get_collection_href
* Default state-path to /var/lib/designate
* Adds a setting for the location of the nzf files
* Stop abusing state_path in find_config
* Add a new ExtensionPlugin class
* Add Unit Tests for Blacklists V2
* Update notification_driver documentation
* Import TLDs to Designate
* Prevent Schema regex's from capturing input
* General Plugin Cleanups
* Create API calls to Manage Blacklisted Domains
* Fix TLD Delete From Storage
* Sync with oslo-incubator rev fa785cea
* Sync with openstack/requirements rev 661e6bad
* Various small fixes to documentation
* Keep the DevStack plugin in-tree
* Add TLD Api documentation
* Make Database Interactions More Transactional
* Remote Designate Agent Calls Fail
* Remove dnsmasq backend
* Replace os.exists with os.path.exists
* Validate name during v2 zone create
* Sink - Delete record on floatingip.delete event
* Check if RS belongs in childzone
* Add APIs for managing TLDs
* provide designate getting started instructions for Fedora 19
* Update setup.cfg for the Neutron -> Quantum handler rename
* Remove dependencies on pep8, pyflakes and flake8
* Sync with global requirements
* Ensure APIv2 list respose formats are correct
* FloatingIP PTR record functionality
* Moved Limits API endpoint to a RESTController
* Return a HTTP 405 for unsupported HTTP methods
* six is now a requirement of many of the oslo-incubator modules
* Made Pecan HTML debugging an option for v2 API
* PowerDNS backend tests
* Ensure Flask uses our JSON Encoder
* Add support for specifying tenant/user/token in the NoAuthMiddleware
* Removing Docs about the old Sudo mechanismn
* Designate requires Babel during runtime now
* Cleanup API v2 Link Generation and Views
* Ensure migrations run on PostgreSQL
* Switch out designate.notifier for oslo's version
* Reinstate RecordSet placement validation
* Sync with oslo-incubator
* The default port is not, it is 9001
* Ensure JSON Schema format validators operate only on strings
* Database fixture
* Ensure SQLite has the correct unique_record index
* Docs spelling/capitalization fixes
* Specify column names during the PowerDNS backends InsertFromSelect's
* Do not try to update records if there are none
* Introduce RecordSets concept to core, and add initial RRSet API to v2
* Provide support for "All Tenants" access
* Correct migration 33
* Fixed bug where sync_all could not be run
* Use % when printing keyfile/certfile errors
* Make sure that certfile and keyfile are readable
* BUG# 1258262 Added secret parameter to options for sensitive data
* Bug #1257888: Remote Designate Agent Call Fails
* Denormalize tenant_id into the records table
* Multi-backend
* Put test resources into own folder
* Backend tests restructure
* Ensure logs are captured and displayed when tests fail
* Fix typo in config and rename Quantrum > Neutron everywhere
* Multiple testing fixes
* Allow a context to be elevated to admin status
* Don't require domain_id in find_record* methods
* Pass the service-catalog if any to the context
* Add placeholder migrations to allow backports to Havana
* Added a check for HTTP_X_IDENTITY_STATUS
* Add SLDs that act like TLDs
* Support building wheels (PEP-427)
* Add .testrepository to ST2 project ignore
* nsd4slave backend
* Update notifications towards oslo.messaging
* Switch to testr / testtools / fixtures, remove nose
* Update PPA URL
* Expose touch_domain via an API extension
* Update TLD list per IANA list version 2013110700
* Fix inconsistent dnspython imports bug
* Domain Import/Export
* Update setup.cfg for Icehouse development cycle

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.1.b2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate 2014.1.b2 Release 76
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 76

2014.2 (juno) release from the juno series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is Designate 2014.2 release.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate 2014.2 release 72
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 72

juno-rc2 (RC2) release from the juno series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is another milestone (juno-rc2) on the road to Designate 2014.2.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.rc2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate "juno-rc2" milestone 33
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 33

juno-rc1 (RC1) release from the juno series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is another milestone (juno-rc1) on the road to Designate 2014.2.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate "juno-rc1" milestone 30
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 30

juno-3 (j3) release from the juno series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is another milestone (juno-3) on the road to Designate 2014.2.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.b3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate "juno-3" milestone 28
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 28

2014.2.b2 release from the juno series released

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.b2.tar.gz (md5) 35
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 35

juno-2 (j2) release from the juno series released

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2014.2.b2.tar.gz (md5) juno-2 37
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 37

2015.1.0 (kilo) release from the kilo series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is Designate 2015.1.0 release.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2015.1.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate 2015.1.0 release 99
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 99

kilo-rc2 (RC2) release from the kilo series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is another milestone (kilo-rc2) on the road to Designate 2015.1.0.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2015.1.0rc2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate "kilo-rc2" milestone 26
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 26

kilo-rc1 (RC1) release from the kilo series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is another milestone (kilo-rc1) on the road to Designate 2015.1.0.

File Description Downloads
download icon designate-2015.1.0rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Designate "kilo-rc1" milestone 25
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 25

1120 of 41 releases