DigiWf 0.3.0

Simple port of XMP-Manager

Milestone information

Stefaan Vanderheyden
Release registered:
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1 Stefaan Vanderheyden
1 Implemented
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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download icon digiwf-0.3.0.tar.gz (md5) DigiWf 0.3.0 13
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Total downloads: 13

Release notes 

Ported XMP-Manager from GitHub to Launchpad and added some new features:
  * Workflow script to copy files to an Unsorted repository for meta-tagging at a later date. It will copy tagged files to a Sorted repository.
  * Geocoding with Google Maps
  * Added a dateshift feature
  * Added a progress bar for tagging many files.


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Updated workflow script:
- Added automatic detection of home directory.
- Added automatic detection of fullname based on linux username info. Use the fullname for copyright notices.

Updated the algorithm for writing changes to the disk - only launch exiftool once for all changes... This can be up to 10x faster than before.

Added geocoding feature and hacked a Google Maps preview of the long/lat.

Implemented dateshift feature.

Altered the workflow algorithm to use a new naming convention: adding full date field (YYmmddHHMMSS) at the end of the name makes for better alphabetical sorting and more effecient use of counters when merging multiple photos with the same title.

Fixed a bug that prevented updating of date field.

Added a progress bar for the updating of tags on disk.

General clean-up of unused files

1 blueprint and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
DigiWf Initial Release DigiWf Initial Release 1 Undefined Stefaan Vanderheyden  11 Implemented
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