Divisi UI proto1 "We Do What We Must Because We Can"

* takes input from static svdview files (no need for a server)
* has a java wrapper around svdview
* file list of some sort

Milestone information

Divisi UI
Code name:
We Do What We Must Because We Can
Rob Speer
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
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No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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File Description Downloads
download icon DivisiUI.jar (md5) Revised JAR file 14
last downloaded 48 weeks ago
download icon divisiui.jar (md5) Divisi UI, runnable JAR file 12
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
Total downloads: 26

Release notes 

Divisi integration does not exist yet. The data that it loads is the output of a previous run of Divisi.

The collection interface does not yet store its data anywhere, and the buttons need to be larger.

The output area for SVDView does not work yet, and the view in SVDView can only be explored with its unintuitive controls, instead of by making specific comparisons (such as comparing things to the canonical text, or to a specified ad hoc category).


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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