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110 of 18 releases

1.2.0 release from the 1.2.x series released

Release information

- Fixes bug where child/parent hierarchy in Python were destroyed
- Add utility script dolfin-get-demos
- MeshFunctions in python now support iterable protocol
- Expose ufc::dofmap::tabulate_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
- Expose ufc::dofmap::num_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
- Allow setting of row dof coordinates in preconditioners (only works with PETSc backed for now)
- Expose more PETSc/ML parameters
- Improve speed to tabulating coordinates in some DofMap functions
- Feature: Add support for passing a Constant as default value to a CompiledExpression
- Fix bug in dimension check for 1-D ALE
- Remove some redundant graph code
- Improvements in speed of parallel dual grapj builder
- Fix bug in XMDF output for cell-based Functions
- Fixes for latest version of clang compiler
- LocalSolver class added to efficiently solve cell-wise problems
- New implementation of periodic boundary conditions. Now incorporated into the dofmap
- Optional arguments to assemblers removed
- SymmetricAssembler removed
- Domains for assemblers can now only be attached to forms
- SubMesh can now be constructed without a CellFunction argument, if the MeshDomain contains marked celldomains.
- MeshDomains are propagated to a SubMesh during construction
- Simplify generation of a MeshFunction from MeshDomains: No need to call mesh_function with mesh
- Rename dolfin-config.cmake to DOLFINConfig.cmake
- Use CMake to configure JIT compilation of extension modules
- Feature: Add vertex_to_dof_map to DofMap, which map vertex indices to dolfin dofs
- Feature: Add support for solving on m dimensional meshes embedded in n >= m dimensions

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) dolfin-1.2.0 2,333
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 2,333

1.1.1 release from the 1.1.x series released

Release information

- Fix bug in dimension check for 1-D ALE (bug #1125499)
- Rename dolfin-config.cmake to DOLFINConfig.cmake
- Add vertex_to_dof_map to DofMap, which map vertex indices to dolfin dofs

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) dolfin-1.1.1 59
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
Total downloads: 59

1.1.0 release from the 1.1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release provides significant performance improvements and a number of important bug fixes, see the change log for details.


1.1.0 [2013-01-08]
 - Add support for solving singular problems with Krylov solvers (PETSc only)
 - Add new typedef dolfin::la_index for consistent indexing with linear algebra backends.
 - Change default unsigned integer type to std::size_t
 - Add support to attaching operator null space to preconditioner
   (required for smoothed aggregation AMG)
 - Add basic interface to the PETSc AMG preconditioner
 - Make SCOTCH default graph partitioner (GNU compatible free license, unlike ParMETIS)
 - Add scalable construction of mesh dual graph for mesh partitioning
 - Improve performance of mesh building in parallel
 - Add mesh output to SVG
 - Add support for Facet and cell markers to mesh converted from Diffpack
 - Add support for Facet and cell markers/attributes to mesh converted from Triangle
 - Change interface for auto-adaptive solvers: these now take the goal
   functional as a constructor argument
 - Add memory usage monitor: monitor_memory_usage()
 - Compare mesh hash in interpolate_vertex_values
 - Add hash() for Mesh and MeshTopology
 - Expose GenericVector::operator{+=,-=,+,-}(double) to Python
 - Add function Function::compute_vertex_values not needing a mesh argument
 - Add support for XDMF and HDF5
 - Add new interface LinearOperator for matrix-free linear systems
 - Remove MTL4 linear algebra backend
 - Rename down_cast --> as_type in C++ / as_backend_type in Python
 - Remove KrylovMatrix interface
 - Remove quadrature classes
 - JIT compiled C++ code can now include a dolfin namespace
 - Expression string parsing now understand C++ namespace such as std::cosh
 - Fix bug in Expression so one can pass min, max
 - Fix bug in SystemAssembler, where mesh.init(D-1, D) was not called before assemble
 - Fix bug where the reference count of Py_None was not increased
 - Fix bug in reading TimeSeries of size smaller than 3
 - Improve code design for Mesh FooIterators to avoid dubious down cast
 - Bug fix in destruction of PETSc user preconditioners
 - Add CellVolume(mesh) convenience wrapper to Python interface for UFL function
 - Fix bug in producing outward pointing normals of BoundaryMesh
 - Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, where typemaps of templated typedefs
   are not handled correctly
 - Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, which treated uint as Python long
 - Add check that sample points for TimeSeries are monotone
 - Fix handling of parameter "report" in Krylov solvers
 - Add new linear algebra backend "PETScCusp" for GPU-accelerated linear algebra
 - Add sparray method in the Python interface of GenericMatrix, requires scipy.sparse
 - Make methods that return a view of contiguous c-arrays, via a NumPy array, keep a reference from the object so it wont get out of scope
 - Add parameter: "use_petsc_signal_handler", which enables/disable PETSc system signals
 - Avoid unnecessary resize of result vector for A*b
 - MPI functionality for distributing values between neighbours
 - SystemAssembler now works in parallel with topological/geometric boundary search
 - New symmetric assembler with ability for stand-alone RHS assemble
 - Major speed-up of DirichletBC computation and mesh marking
 - Major speed-up of assembly of functions and expressions
 - Major speed-up of mesh topology computation
 - Add simple 2D and 3D mesh generation (via CGAL)
 - Add creation of mesh from triangulations of points (via CGAL)
 - Split the SWIG interface into six combined modules instead of one
 - Add has_foo to easy check what solver and preconditioners are available
 - Add convenience functions for listing available linear_algebra_backends
 - Change naming convention for cpp unit tests test.cpp -> Foo.cpp
 - Added cpp unit test for GenericVector::operator{-,+,*,/}= for all la backends
 - Add functionality for rotating meshes
 - Add mesh generation based on NETGEN constructive solid geometry
 - Generalize SparsityPattern and STLMatrix to support column-wise storage
 - Add interfaces to wrap PaStiX and MUMPS direct solvers
 - Add CoordinateMatrix class
 - Make STLMatrix work in parallel
 - Remove all tr1::tuple and use boost::tuple
 - Fix wrong link in Python quick reference.

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.1.0.tar.gz (md5) dolfin-1.1.0 794
last downloaded 10 days ago
Total downloads: 794

1.0.1 release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

A new release of DOLFIN has been released.


1.0.1 [2013-01-08]
 - Expression string parsing now understand C++ namespace such as std::cosh
 - Fix bug in Expression so one can pass min, max
 - Fix bug in SystemAssembler, where mesh.init(D-1, D) was not called before assemble
 - Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, where typemaps of templated typedefs are not handled correctly
 - Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, which treated uint as Python long
 - Add has_foo to easy check what solver and precondictioners are available
 - Add convenience functions for listing available linear_algebra_backends
 - Fix wrong link in Python quick reference.

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 1.0.1 53
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
Total downloads: 53

1.0.0 release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the first official release of DOLFIN, version 1.0.0.


- Recompile all forms with FFC 1.0.0
- Fix for CGAL 3.9 on OS X
- Improve docstrings for Box and Rectangle
- Check number of dofs on local patch in extrapolation

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 1.0.0 3,915
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 3,915

1.0-rc2 release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fix release


- Fix bug in 1D mesh refinement
- Fix bug in handling of subdirectories for TimeSeries
- Remove all tr1::tuple and use boost::tuple
- Fix logic behind vector assignment, especially in parallel

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0-rc2.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 1.0-rc2 1,791
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,791

1.0-rc1 release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release brings a large number of cleanups and bug fixes relative to the newly released DOLFIN 1.0-beta2.
If this release holds for a week of testing, it will transform into DOLFIN 1.0.0.


 - 33 bugs fixed
 - Implement traversal of bounding box trees for all codimensions
 - Edit and improve all error messages
 - Added [un]equality operator to FunctionSpace
 - Remove batch compilation of Expression (Expressions) from Python interface
 - Added get_value to MeshValueCollection
 - Added assignment operator to MeshValueCollection

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0-rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 1.0-rc1 1,764
last downloaded 10 days ago
Total downloads: 1,764

1.0-beta2 release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release contains many bug fixes and implements some long outstanding features in preparation for the 1.0 release.


1.0-beta2 [2011-10-26]
 - Change search path of parameter file to ~/.fenics/dolfin_parameters.xml
 - Add functions Parameters::has_parameter, Parameters::has_parameter_set
 - Added option to store all connectivities in a mesh for TimeSeries (false by default)
 - Added option for gzip compressed binary files for TimeSeries
 - Propagate global parameters to Krylov and LU solvers
 - Fix OpenMp assemble of scalars
 - Make OpenMP assemble over sub domains work
 - DirichletBC.get_boundary_values, FunctionSpace.collapse now return a dict in Python
 - Changed name of has_la_backend to has_linear_algebra_backend
 - Added has_foo functions which can be used instead of the HAS_FOO defines
 - Less trict check on kwargs for compiled Expression
 - Add option to not right-justify tables
 - Rename summary --> list_timings
 - Add function list_linear_solver_methods
 - Add function list_lu_solver_methods
 - Add function list_krylov_solver_methods
 - Add function list_krylov_solver_preconditioners
 - Support subdomains in SystemAssembler (not for interior facet integrals)
 - Add option functionality apply("flush") to PETScMatrix
 - Add option finalize_tensor=true to assemble functions
 - Solver parameters can now be passed to solve
 - Remove deprecated function Variable::disp()
 - Remove deprecated function logging()
 - Add new class MeshValueCollection
 - Add new class MeshDomains replacing old storage of boundary markers
   as part of MeshData. The following names are no longer supported:
   * boundary_facet_cells
   * boundary_facet_numbers
   * boundary_indicators
   * material_indicators
   * cell_domains
   * interior_facet_domains
   * exterior_facet_domains
 - Rename XML tag <meshfunction> --> <mesh_function>
 - Rename SubMesh data "global_vertex_indices" --> "parent_vertex_indices"
 - Get XML input/output of boundary markers working again
 - Get FacetArea working again

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0-beta2.tar.gz (md5) DOLFIN 1.0-beta2 1,929
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,929

1.0-beta release from the 1.0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

See ChangeLog for details.


 - Print percentage of non-zero entries when computing sparsity patterns
 - Use ufl.Real for Constant in Python interface
 - Add Dirichlet boundary condition argument to Python project function
 - Add remove functionality for parameter sets
 - Added out typemap for vector of shared_ptr objects
 - Fix typemap bug for list of shared_ptr objects
 - Support parallel XML vector io
 - Add support for gzipped XML output
 - Use pugixml for XML output
 - Move XML SAX parser to libxml2 SAX2 interface
 - Simplify XML io
 - Change interface for variational problems, class VariationalProblem removed
 - Add solve interface: solve(a == L), solve(F == 0)
 - Add new classes Linear/NonlinearVariationalProblem
 - Add new classes Linear/NonlinearVariationalSolver
 - Ad form class aliases ResidualForm and Jacobian form in wrapper code
 - Default argument to variables in Expression are passed as kwargs in the Python interface
 - Add has_openmp as utility function in Python interface
 - Add improved error reporting using dolfin_error
 - Use Boost to compute Legendre polynolials
 - Remove ode code
 - Handle parsing of unrecognized command-line parameters
 - All const std::vector<foo>& now return a read-only NumPy array
 - Make a robust macro for generating a NumPy array from data
 - Exposing low level fem functionality to Python, by adding a Cell -> ufc::cell typemap
 - Added ufl_cell as a method to Mesh in Python interface
 - Fix memory leak in Zoltan interface
 - Remove some 'new' for arrays in favour of std::vector
 - Added cell as an optional argument to Constant
 - Prevent the use of non contiguous NumPy arrays for most typemaps
 - Point can now be used to evaluate a Function or Expression in Python
 - Fixed dimension check for Function and Expression eval in Python
 - Fix compressed VTK output for tensors in 2D

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-1.0-beta.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 1.0-beta 833
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 833

0.9.11 release from the 0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release moves to SWIG 2.0, the licenses has changed from LGPL v2.1 to LGPL v3 or later, and it incorporates a significant number of bug fixes.


0.9.11 [2011-05-16]
 - Change license from LGPL v2.1 to LGPL v3 or later
 - Moved meshconverter to dolfin_utils
 - Add support for conversion of material markers for Gmsh meshes
 - Add support for point sources (class PointSource)
 - Rename logging --> set_log_active
 - Add parameter "clear_on_write" to TimeSeries
 - Add support for input/output of nested parameter sets
 - Check for dimensions in linear solvers
 - Add support for automated error control for variational problems
 - Add support for refinement of MeshFunctions after mesh refinement
 - Change order of test and trial spaces in Form constructors
 - Make SWIG version >= 2.0 a requirement
 - Recognize subdomain data in Assembler from both Form and Mesh
 - Add storage for subdomains (cell_domains etc) in Form class
 - Rename MeshData "boundary facet cells" --> "boundary_facet_cells"
 - Rename MeshData "boundary facet numbers" --> "boundary_facet_numbers"
 - Rename MeshData "boundary indicators" --> "boundary_indicators"
 - Rename MeshData "exterior facet domains" --> "exterior_facet_domains"
 - Updates for UFC 2.0.1
 - Add FiniteElement::evaluate_basis_derivatives_all
 - Add support for VTK output of facet-based MeshFunctions
 - Change default log level from PROGRESS to INFO
 - Add copy functions to FiniteElement and DofMap
 - Simplify DofMap
 - Interpolate vector values when reading from time series

File Description Downloads
download icon dolfin-0.9.11.tar.gz (md5, sig) 0.9.11 1,313
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,313

110 of 18 releases