Duplicity 0.6.18 Released

Written for Duplicity by Kenneth Loafman on 2012-02-29

New in v0.6.18 (2012/02/29)
- fix extraneous '.py' in botobackend.py include
- tests: add delay between backups to avoid assertion error
- tests: use backup source that is more likely to be larger than 1M compressed
- tests: make other-filesystem check more robust against certain directories being mounts or not
- resuming an incremental results in a 'Restarting backup, but current encryption settings do not match original settings' error because curtime is incorrectly set away from previous incremental value
- added option to not compress the backup, when no encryption is selected
- always delay a little bit when a backend gives us errors
- Don't cache TarInfo files. Tests still pass, so I don't believe we need the members cache (and in the old tarfile.py, we didn't cache either).
- Adding --file-prefix option so different sets of backups can be stored in the same bucket. See blueprint at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/duplicity/+spec/file-prefix-option
- two changes that help the test suite pass
- raise log level on backend import failure so it will be visible under default conditions
- file /etc/motd may not exist in test environment. Use __file__ instead to point to a known plaintext source file.
- some code/import changes to make the ssh and boto backends compatible with Python 2.4.
- some changes to make roottest.py compatible with the new dir structure.

Bugs closed in this release:
884638 Python 2.5 / boto error
908228 possible memory leak
909031 SSH-Backend: Creating dirs separately causes a permissons-problems
916689 multipart upload fails on python 2.7.2
929465 UnsupportedBackendScheme: scheme not supported in url: scp://u123@u123.example.com/foo/
930727 ftpsbackend should respect num_retries for ftp commands
931175 duplicity crashes when PYTHONOPTIMIZE is set


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