News and announcements

Email-reminder 0.7.7 now available

Written for Email-reminder by François Marier on 2014-01-26

A minor new version of email-reminder has been released.

It contains an update to the homepage of email-reminder as well as some fixes to make the test suite pass on recent versions of Perl.

Yearless events fixed in email-reminder 0.7.6

Written for Email-reminder by François Marier on 2010-01-31

A new version of email-reminder has been released.

It includes a bug fix for yearly events where the year is unknown. If you have any such events (for example, birthdays for people too shy to tell you how old they are) you should definitely upgrade or else you will not receive any of these reminders.

Many thanks to Will Berriss who took the time to debug and report this problem!

Upgrade to email-reminder 0.7.5 to save your marriage!

Written for Email-reminder by François Marier on 2009-12-02

The new email-reminder 0.7.5, fixes a bug, introduced in 0.7.4, which all users of the anniversary event type will want to get. Without it, many anniversary events were not being sent. The latest version may therefore help save your marriage by:

- fixing this bug
- adding a relevant test to the regression suite
- reporting similarly unexpected errors by email instead of aborting

It also includes a minor fix to the salutation blurb when sending reminders to a third-party and a new checkbox in the preferences of the graphical editor.

Finally, the Net::SMTP::SSL Perl module is now truly optional and no errors will be returned if you don't have it installed.

Email-reminder 0.7.4 now available

Written for Email-reminder by François Marier on 2008-11-19

A new version of email-reminder is now available and it now includes support for SSL-enhanced SMTP servers with this new configuration option:

    smtp_ssl = 1

This release also eliminates the "No reminders found for..." message that some users reporting getting from their cron log.

Email-reminder 0.7.3 Released

Written for Email-reminder by François Marier on 2008-04-12

This small release fixes:

    the encoding of accented characters in the subject line of emails
    various small issues related to the home directories of users

Note that you can now subscribe to the official Email-reminder news feed if you want to receive notifications of new releases and other important announcements.

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