Comment 6 for bug 1889128

Revision history for this message
Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote :

This doesn't seem to be working for me in two ways:

1) When I place a hold for patron A and then enter a new barcode for patron B, the "Place Holds" button is still disabled, and the hold grid at the bottom of the screen still refers to patron A's hold.

2) The behavior when there is no circ.holds.max_duplicate_holds isn't great (there is an empty dropdown for Number of Copies). Could we just not display this field if there is no value for circ.holds.max_duplicate_hold? Not every library uses that feature, so I suspect a lot of libraries don't have a value entered there. Even better would be to only display the dropdown for patrons with the CREATE_DUPLICATE_HOLDS permission, when circ.holds.max_duplicate_hold exists and is true.