Comment 9 for bug 1889128

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

The code for this bug and for bug #1887429 are now stepping on each other's toes. I've opted to merge the 2 into a single branch. Will mark bug #1887429 as a duplicate.;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/lp1887429-lp1889128-hold-prefs-and-multi

New commits to this merged branch are these:

1. Add support for the 'circ.staff_placed_holds_fallback_to_ws_ou' org unit setting when staff place holds for patrons in the Angular staff catalog. Specifically, if the patron has no preferred pickup lib set, fall back to either the patron's home org or the workstation org depending on the value of the org setting

2. Collapse the Search Form on the holds page so the holds form and data have more vertical room on the page. Additionally, to help alleviate any confusion that may be caused by the collapsed search form (and because it has come up in other conversations), add a 'Return' button to the holds page so users have an obvious way back to the previous catalog page.

Fixes an issue where setting the hold recipient from a patron to the staff account failed to properly clear the holds form, leaving (e.g.) the wrong pickup lib in the selector.
