Comment 7 for bug 1901932

Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

After testing and discussion with interested parties, I have pushed this for inclusion in 3.11 with some follow-ups.

While the dataset itself looks OK on superficial testing, I have various concerns about the script used to generate updates to the dataset and have marked it as experimental:

- It's sensitive to the timezone where the most recent update is run, unlike Concerto, which appears to give you a database with timestamps in the installers local time zone
- Speaking of time, as far as I can tell it bakes in _exact_ due dates; that means that it _has_ to be maintained, whereas original Concerto makes its sample circ data be relative to the date of installation
- It's much more sensitive to exact column names and column changes than original Concerto is
- The update process when run today turned up a couple errors that will need to be dealt with.
- Because of the way original Concerto was designed, it largely has needed little care and attention due to Evergreen schema changes. Specifically, the process for installation original Concerto rarely needed changes unless DB tests started failing or errors were encountered during installation of a new sample database. The update mechanism for Enhanced Concerto thus far requires more work during a release to review its output.

Consequently, I'm merging this with some conditions:

- Enhanced Concerto is not hooked into the automated tests at present (and doesn't pass them). In particular, the DB-dependent t/ and live_t/ tests are still _only_ expected to run under original Concerto
- Community discussion needs to happen to decide upon a maintenance process and maintainer for this dataset - this can't be left to a last-minute run of make_release during the rush of creating a tarball.
- The dataset, or more specifically, the generation and update process, should be considered experimental until the maintenance process is sorted out, which at minimum will require a deeper review of than anybody was able to commit to this cycle.

Thanks, ECDI and Blake!