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5.0.0 release from the 5.0 series released

Release information

23 June 2011 - v.5.0.0
-Changed: Everything! This is a complete rewrite. Your old database will be ignored and a new one will be created.

26 Apr 2006 - v.3.0.7
-Fixed: Issue with album cover images not loading correctly

25 Apr 2006 - v.3.0.6
-Fixed: Various speed enhancements

24 Apr 2006 - v.3.0.5
-Fixed: bugs when viewing in Internet Explorer
-Added: console only mode by passing "console" through command line
-Changed: switched to using Jetty as the webserver instead of the original home grown server

19 Apr 2006 - v.3.0.beta.4
-Added: Playlist rules: can define what tracks to play by library, track or genre
-Fixed: files with uppercase extensions not importing

17 Apr 2006 - v.3.0.beta.3
-Added: Ability to play/pause
-Added: Password protect admin area - any user name works, no password by default
-Added: Caching of album image covers for enhanced performance
-Changed: Unknown Albums will be unique per artist
-Changed: Search results returns 50 results at a time and can be paged through
-Changed: Enhanced performance of artist list for large number of artists
-Changed: Began conversion of admin area to new look and feel
-Changed: Upgraded all components to latest versions
-Fixed: Display problem in browsers with long lists

26 Oct 2005 - v.3.0.beta.2
-Fixed: Problem with import of tracks from albums with multiple artists
-Changed: The program and system tray icon

25 Oct 2005 - v.3.0.beta.1
-Added: Completely new interface
-Added: XML REST architecture responses for use with AJAX techniques
-Removed: Socket server, can now use XML responses instead for external
-Fixed: Use artist order name (i.e. ignore 'The') to find an existing artist
-Fixed: Same album being inserted twice as two different albums during import
-Fixed: Bug in tritonus code which resulted in certain MP3 files not being
-Enhanced: Scanning a library now returns immediately instead of searching for
 files first
-Enhanced: Improved speed through the use of indexes and various other items

09 Aug 2005 - v.2.7.0
-Added: System tray icon for Windows
-Upgraded: License information to the GPL
-Upgraded: Enhanced the request links and currently playing text to use
 AJAX (like GMail)

04 Mar 2005 - v.2.6.1
-Fixed: Stop Current Song now works
-Fixed: Installer didn't set working directory for shortcuts (special thanks to
 Polychronopolis for picking up on this)

27 Jan 2005 - v.2.6.0
-Renamed from BlueVade Jukebox to Exit 66 Jukebox
-Added: Support for OGG files
-Upgraded: To Java 5 for better support of file tags

28 Jan 2004 - v2.5.0b
-Added: GIFs are now supported when album images are pulled from directories
-Added: BlueVade Jukebox Kiosk - a full screen graphical frontend

22 Jan 2004 - v2.0.3
-Fixed: ID3 tag reader can handle track numbers in the format ##/##
-Fixed: ID3 tag reader strips null characters and whitespaces
-Fixed: Rescan all tracks function was only scanning for new tracks
-Fixed: ID3 tags not read correctly for MusicMatch tagged files
-Added: new templates default, default_no_admin, default_no_pics,
 default_no_pics_or_admin. Templates can be accessed by
-Added: usealbumimagefile to options file. Setting this to 1 allows the system
 to search a directory for an image to use as an album cover when none is

07 Feb 2003 - v2.0.2
-Fixed: Error with new installations not setting the database version in the
 option file correctly
-Fixed: Certain ID3 tags caused infinite loops

12 Jun 2002 - v2.0.b3
-Added request album/artist feature
-Added ability to show cover image from MP3 file (uses track #1's image for
 entire album image)
-Added nolog command line parameter to turn logging to file off
-System will only scan one library at a time
-Added logging of when scans start and stop to either the system console or the
 error log file
-Added text 'Scanning...' next to a library in the admin area while the library
 is being scanned
-Added 'Edit Database' area in Admin to modify artist and album names, i.e. to
 change the alphabetical sort of Lou Reed to Reed, Lou
-JukeBox won't allow more than once instance of itself to run at a time
-Added link in Admin area to shutdown server
-Added link in Admin area under Libraries to remove missing files from the
-Fixed: Only files with lower case extensions would import
-Added list of files that failed to import in the Library area

26 Nov 2002 - v2.0.b2
-Added error logging to text file
-Fixed form processing problem with Internet Explorer
-Modified scan to only import new tracks
-Added scanall feature to import new tracks and rescan imported tracks

18 Nov 2002 - v2.0.b1
-Complete rewrite in Java
 +Telnet server
 +Template driven webserver for customized interfaces
-Activate more than one playlist at a time
-Remove individual tracks from queue
-Empty entire queue
-Split albums up by artist for albums with same names but different artists

3 Oct 2002 - v1.1.0
-Who knows? The notes have been lost

4 Jul 2002 - v1.0.0
-Initial Public Release

File Description Downloads
download icon exit66jukebox-5.0.0.tar.gz (md5) Binary zip 37
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon exit66jukeboxsetup-5.0.0.exe (md5) Windows installer 247
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon exit66jukeboxinstaller-5.0.0.jar (md5) Java installer 43
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 327