Fluidity 4.1.1

Milestone information

Tim Bond
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File Description Downloads
download icon fluidity-4.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Fluidity Source version 4.1.1 923
last downloaded 43 weeks ago
download icon fluidity-tests-4.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Fluidity Test Suite version 4.1.1 30
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
download icon fluidity-manual-4.1.1.pdf (md5, sig) Fluidity Users' Manual version 4.1.1 71
last downloaded 35 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,024

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

Changelog for Fluidity 4.1.1 since 4.1.0

- When constructing the supermesh, the region_ids allocated the intersections
   need to be explicitely deallocated. A fix is given for a memory leak
   that was becoming significant when modelling fluid-solid interactions,
   where the supermesh is constructed at every timestep.

- Tidying up the edge-list callback. Removed some redundant code, fixed some
   MPI data types and added a global calculation of the minimum edge weight.

- Bug fix in petsc_readnsolve, for the case where no mesh needs to be read. A
   dummy mesh is created, but this was done with a bit of a broken hack, now

- Remove spurious allocate that introduced a memory leak in lp:fluidity r3855.
- Using get_coordinates_remapped_to_surface() to fix

- Adding the capability when discretising the pressure with continuous galerkin
   to test the continuity equation with the control volume dual function space
   (rather than the CG function space).

Boundary conditions:
- Correcting the sign and number of additions of the weak velocity Dirichlet BC
  integrals when using a CV tested continuity equation for incompressible flow.

- When setting a vector field from Python, check the length of the iterable
   returned by the user, and check that it is the length we expect. Fixes

- Adding an option to include the Source field directly to the right hand side
   for prognostic scalar fields. Adjust CG, DG, FV and CV to act on this as
   necessary. Including a very simple two field eigenvalue (using the time step
   loop as a power iteration loop) 1d test case for each discretisation checking
   order of converegence to test this new functionality.

- Improved error handling for remaps.

Build process:
- Fix for bug lp:892228 making the schemata install honour prefix and datadir
- Tidying the install process
- Adding a diamond install target to the root makefile
- Adding a target to install the flml schema for diamond for the current user

- Noting problems with Intel compilers
- Fixing typographical errors
- Fixing the version number to retrieve from bzr
- Duplicate and incomplete bibliography entries corrected
- Adding information for the diamond and schema install targets

- Fixing silent-fail tests
- Updates to tests being reinstated into the buildbot process
- Removal of tests not run during the buildbot process

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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