
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Forssim forssim-0.2.7 trunk None
Forssim dep0.1.0 "Sprint 7" dependencies None
Forssim 0.0.3 "Sprint 5" trunk None
Forssim 0.0.2 "Sprint 1" trunk None
Forssim 0.0.1 trunk None Initial release
Forssim forssim-win-0.2.7 trunk 2009-10-09
Forssim forssim-windows-0.2.5 trunk 2009-09-18
Forssim forssim-0.2.6 trunk 2009-09-18
Forssim forssim-windows-0.2.4 trunk 2009-09-11
Forssim forssim-dep-0.2.5 dependencies 2009-09-11
Forssim forssim-0.2.5 trunk 2009-09-11
Forssim forssim0.2.4 trunk 2009-09-04
Forssim forssim0.2.3 trunk 2009-08-28
Forssim windows-rel trunk 2009-07-29
Forssim 0.2.2 "forssim_0.2.2" trunk 2009-07-24
Forssim 0.2.1 "Forssim 0.2.1" trunk 2009-07-16 Removed global ftp users Fixed that right anamnes and objectives are displaye...
Forssim dep0.2.0 "Sprint 8" dependencies 2009-07-10 Dependencies matching release 0.2.0 of forssim
Forssim 0.2.0 "Sprint 8" trunk 2009-07-10 External users should be able to log in and use FsWisdom if they have receive...
Forssim 0.1.0 "Sprint 7" trunk 2009-05-20 Main goals of sprint are to clean up forssim for a 0.1 release, enable drilli...
Forssim sprint2 trunk 2008-11-20 not yet released This sprint will be focused on documentation, code cleanup and testing, but a...
Forssim sprint1 trunk 2008-11-07 This is an inactive milestone