fuzzy 0.91

Milestone information

David Hobach
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download icon fuzzy-0.91-platform-independent-source-en.tar.gz (md5) source code 20
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
Total downloads: 20

Release notes 

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- added U option for path and custom tags
- changed some custom tags to use the U option

- minor changes to simplify error debugging with the tag interpreters
- install and uninstall script updated to possibly work without sudo
- added the mpcaddf custom example
- fixed a small bug with preferred matches

- changed all example bash scripts to support reading the parameter passed to fuzzy from stdin, so for example "tailf <some file with songs> | mpcjumpf" should work as expected now
- changed all example bash scripts to behave as expected, if no parameter is passed, e.g. just calling "vlcf" will open vlc now, just calling "catf" will do nothing and so on
- made the example bash scripts more modular
- fixed some bugs in the example bash scripts
- improved the install and uninstall scripts to allow automatic installation/removal of the example scripts

- path tag: changed syntax (rights --> path properties, which now includes the options d,D and f)
- path tag: added the t (text) and b (binary) options to the path properties
- path tag: added the n-version (negative version) of all options to the path properties, i.e. nr, nw, nx, nb, nt
- path tag: added resolveStartingslashes() method to resolve any path tag pattern with ../../ and so on in the beginning; only supported with wildcard mathcing or wildcard emulation
- main: fuzzy now exits as soon as its job is done and does not wait for the last process to finish (the old behaviour can be achieved with the --wait switch)
- fixed documentation
- updated examples to use the new syntax and features

- path tag: added s option
- path tag examples: modified to use the s option
- minor bugfixes

- initial release

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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