Andreas Wilhelm
GUI for diskdump (dd). Harddrive clone and imaging tool.
This is a open source Graphical User Interface for the Unix Command dd. You can easily select the Input- and Outputstream, so you can clone or image your Harddrive or Partition.
Wikipedia: "dd is a common Unix program whose primary purpose is the low-level copying and conversion of raw data."
The version 0.8 .deb Package is working on Ubuntu 9.10+ (x86 and amd64) and other Debian like Distros.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python, GTK+
All questions Latest questions
how to use to wipe a disk? i.e. if=/dev/zero
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libnotify-WARNING why?
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Error with Natty