gdp-2.26.1: The first release

Written for Gedit Developer Plugins by Curtis Hovey on 2009-09-13

Gedit-developer-plugins (GDP) are a set of plugins for gedit that provide
additional editing features for software development. GDP provides:

    * Multi-file find and replace
      Directories and file types can be specified. Regular expressions are
    * Syntax completion
      Python completion using the file's imports and definitions. Simple
      word completion based on the words in the file.
      Use <Shift><Control>Space to activate the snippet completer window.
    * Formatting
      Format paragraphs, lists, and imports. Reformat test using regular
      expressions. Check the syntax and style of Python, XML, and plain
      text. Check and reformat Python doctests.
    * Project management via Bazaar DVCS
      integrates bzr-gtk to show status, tags, annotations, visualize,
      commit, merge, and push. Open files changes in the branch.

See screenshots at
Get the tarball at

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