News and announcements

Genesis 0.7.1 released

Written for Genesis Sync by Frederik Elwert on 2012-04-28

Today, Genesis 0.7.1 has been released. The 0.7 series is now based on PyGI/GTK3.

PPA packages are only available for Precise. Users of older Ubuntu version can stick with the 0.6 series, which offers the same functionality, but is based on PyGTK2.

Genesis 0.6.3 released

Written for Genesis Sync by Frederik Elwert on 2011-11-18

Genesis 0.6.3 has just been released. It is a minor update that matches SyncEvolution 1.2 and fixes a few bugs.

Packages are provided for Ubuntu from Lucid to Oneiric, or just grab the source code.

Getting ready for SyncEvolution 1.2

Written for Genesis Sync by Frederik Elwert on 2011-02-18

Today, the unstable PPA received a pre-release for the upcoming SyncEvolution 1.2. Genesis 0.6.2-public4 is meant for beta testers who try out SyncEvolution Genesis now uses additional information from SyncEvolution to hide backups from the list of sync servers. As a side effect, Genesis might not show any configs with older versions from SyncEvolution under certain conditions. So you should only use it with a recent pre-release of SyncEvolution.

Genesis 0.6.2 arrived

Written for Genesis Sync by Frederik Elwert on 2010-11-01

Today, Genesis 0.6.2 was finally released. It adds support for the extended D-Bus APIs of the recently released SyncEvolution 1.1.

Both releases are an example of the close relationship between Genesis and SyncEvolution: Genesis was the first external application to make use of the SyncEvolution D-Bus API, and the API was improved with the feedback from Genesis developers. With SyncEvolution 1.1 and Genesis 0.6.2, the integration between the two applications is even better. End users will notice only little differences, but some annoying glitches now belong to the past. The most visible change is that Genesis will now display the server name when showing sync results.

Additionally, the translations were updated with the latest strings from Launchpad Rosetta. Thanks to all translators, and keep up the good work!

Approaching Genesis 0.6.2

Written for Genesis Sync by Frederik Elwert on 2010-10-13

Genesis 0.6.1-public1, the first step towards 0.6.2, is available in the “unstable” PPA. It contains some minor enhancements to make use of new/improved features in SyncEvolution (which is somewhat 1.1 beta). Please test this version and report any bugs/regressions you find. I’ll give it some time for testing and then release 0.6.2 stable.

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