
Written for Gephi by Mathieu Bastian on 2008-07-31

Welcome to the Gephi developer center, this space is dedicated to the developer and user community. The nice tools Launchpad offers help us to communicate each other and work together on the project. It also presents clearly an overview on the project present and future. Moreover the software code and releases is available and easy to download. The migration of the code from a private SVN repository runs without problems and we are now learning how to use bazaar.

Personally I’m very excited about this migration, I’m working on this project for one year and I’m proud to make it public. Because the base software architecture is done I can concentrate on documentation and communication. The goal is to build in the Launchpad environment a developer and user community, to make Gephi better.

The current version, namely 0.6 is still in development. We already defined a calendar for milestones. At the end of this month the first alpha version of Gephi will be released. This version may be tested mostly by friends and help testing Gephi on different hardware and software configurations. The beta version will come out in September and the official 0.6 a bit later. In the same time the Gephi website http://gephi.org will be finished.

As a conclusion I want to thank people who support this project and will continue supporting it, especially WebAtlas. I also wish Gephi to bring together another inventive and dynamic free software community ;-)

Mathieu Bastian
Gephi Project manager

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