Gephi toolkit series

The Gephi Toolkit project package essential modules (Graph, Layout, Filters, IO...) in a standard Java library, which any Java project can use for getting things done.

The toolkit is just a single JAR that anyone could reuse in a Java program. This tutorial aims to introduce the project, show possibilities and start write some code.

* See website:
* See Toolkit Portal:

Series information

Project drivers:
Gephi Team, Mathieu Bastian
Release manager:
Mathieu Bastian
Active Development
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for Gephi toolkit series.

Milestones and releases

19 of 9 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Gephi toolkit-0.8.2497 None
Gephi toolkit-0.8.2234 None
Gephi toolkit-0.8.6 None
Gephi toolkit-0.8.5 None
Gephi toolkit-0.8.7 2013-01-13
Gephi toolkit-0.7.2014 2010-11-13 Fix latest bugs
Gephi toolkit-0.7.1970 2010-10-07 Fix latest bugs.
Gephi toolkit-0.7.1963 2010-10-04 Gephi Toolkit from 0.beta version, at revision 1963
Gephi toolkit-0.7.1530 "freddy" 2010-07-13 Gephi Toolkit from 0.7alpha4 version, at revision 1530
19 of 9 results

All packages Distribution packaging

This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


Latest version is toolkit-0.8.7

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