glcompbench 2011.06

Milestone information

Alexandros Frantzis
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1 Alexandros Frantzis
1 Implemented
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Release notes 

* Improve benchmark versatility by allowing runtime-configurable, per-test options.
* Add command line option to list avalaible tests and their supported options (-l,--list-tests).
* Allow specifying the tests to run and their options from the command line (-b,--benchmark).
* Add command line option to call glFinish() instead of swapping the front and back buffers (--no-swap-buffers).
* Take advantage of GL_MESA_swap_control to disable VSync when available.
* Improve user documentation (--help and man page).
* Refactor CompositeTest class hierarchy to make it easier to add new tests.


View the full changelog

revno: 46
tags: 2011.06-1
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-06-28 11:38:53 +0300
  Update files for 2011.06-1 release.
revno: 45
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-06-28 11:31:16 +0300
  Fix FPS calculation.
revno: 44
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-06-28 10:34:56 +0300
  Remove forgotten XSynchronize() call.
revno: 43
tags: 2011.06
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 19:19:16 +0300
  Set the canvas width and height only when we receive a configure event for its window.
revno: 42
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 19:02:39 +0300
  Document CompositeTest options.
revno: 41
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 18:51:57 +0300
  Update files for 2011.06 release.
revno: 40
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 18:51:40 +0300
  Display program information when starting.
revno: 39
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 17:56:59 +0300
  Add man pages for glcompbench variants and gl-composite-benchmark.
revno: 38
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 16:44:02 +0300
  Update glcompbench description and window title.
revno: 37
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-24 16:31:15 +0300
  Also check and use GLX_MESA_swap_control (if GL_EXT_swap_control is not present).
revno: 36
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 17:18:23 +0300
  Add short versions of some command line options.
revno: 35
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 17:13:00 +0300
  Remove forgotten --num-iter references.
revno: 34
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 16:52:16 +0300
  Add special CompositeTestDefaultOptions class used for changing default options at runtime.
revno: 33
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 16:32:36 +0300
  Replace --no-vbo command line option with 'use-vbo' test option.
revno: 32
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 16:13:26 +0300
  Replace --num-iters command line option with the 'iterations' and 'duration' test options.
revno: 31
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 16:10:17 +0300
  Add 'duration' and 'iterations' test options.
revno: 30
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 14:26:39 +0300
  Fix source code indentation.
revno: 29
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 14:25:34 +0300
  Add debug message for added command line benchmarks.
revno: 28
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 14:22:08 +0300
  Refactor CompositeTest object hierarchy.
revno: 27
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 12:49:07 +0300
  Add --no-swap-buffers command line option.
revno: 26 [merge]
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 12:21:26 +0300
  Merge support for specifying benchmarks from the command line.
    revno: 25.1.5
    committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
    branch nick: custom-tests
    timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 11:54:28 +0300
      Change --benchmark command line option to specify a benchmark to run.
    revno: 25.1.4
    committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
    branch nick: custom-tests
    timestamp: Thu 2011-06-23 11:03:20 +0300
      Add --list-tests command line option.
    revno: 25.1.3
    committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
    branch nick: custom-tests
    timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 14:36:50 +0300
      Use the infrastructure provided by the Benchmark class to create and run benchmarks.
    revno: 25.1.2
    committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
    branch nick: custom-tests
    timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 14:35:50 +0300
      Add benchmark class to hold a test and a set of options to run that test with.
    revno: 25.1.1
    committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
    branch nick: custom-tests
    timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 14:34:41 +0300
      Add static method to get a dummy CompositeTest instance.
revno: 25
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 12:26:51 +0300
  Improve robustness of command line option parsing.
revno: 24
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 12:12:20 +0300
  Add support for test options.
revno: 23
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 11:59:00 +0300
  Import and integrate latest LibMatrix from lp:libmatrix (rev. 20).
revno: 22 [merge]
committer: Alexandros Frantzis <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 11:28:05 +0300
  Merge branch that splits different tests into separate files.
    revno: 19.1.2
    committer: Jesse Barker <email address hidden>
    branch nick: split
    timestamp: Tue 2011-05-03 09:41:28 -0700
      Make "num_visible_windows()" a protected member of CompositeTest.
    revno: 19.1.1
    committer: Jesse Barker <email address hidden>
    branch nick: split
    timestamp: Mon 2011-05-02 10:37:00 -0700
      Split the test implementation into separate files for better modularization.
revno: 21
committer: Jesse Barker <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-06-09 07:50:14 -0700
  Make release() method mark the object invalid (this wasn't causing any
  immediate issues, but would if we actually tried to reuse the program object).
revno: 20
committer: Jesse Barker <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-08 09:09:21 -0700
  Update Program object with an explicit release() member to allow for reuse of
  the object. The guts of release comprise most of the previous contents of the
  destructor with some improvements (the destructor now calls release()).

1 blueprint and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Ongoing work on glcompbench - 11.06 work Ongoing work on glcompbench - 11.06 work 4 High Alexandros Frantzis  11 Implemented
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