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Written for Gmail Watcher by Owais Lone on 2011-08-09

I finially started the work on the rewrite of gmailwatcher a couple of weeks back. I must say it is quite usable right now but nevertheless, some testing is really really required.

Also, I've changed the ppa to:




Written for Gmail Watcher by Owais Lone on 2010-11-02

GmailWatcher was my learning project. It's implementation is really lame. This has resulted in quite a few issues. Thus, the decision to re-write GmailWatcher from scratch.

I'll be starting work in next 2-3 weeks and will work steadily towards a solid mail notification system. I'll use IMAP and will implement Gmail as a plugin. This will also turn GmailWatcher into a generic mail notification system. We'll need a new name too.

-- Owais Lone

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