News and announcements

wdiff 0.5.94 pre-release

Written for wdiff by Martin von Gagern on 2010-01-21

I'm happy to announce the wdiff 0.5.94 pre-release available at:

There have been many minor changes, mostly to translatable messages and the build system. But there are two user-visible changes as well.

The first is a bug fix. wdiff can now cope with non-seekable input, e.g. in the form of a bash command substitution, like the following:
  wdiff <(echo foo here bar) <(echo foo there bar)
Of course echo isn't particularly interesting, but you get the idea.

The second is a new feature: "wdiff -d" will now allow you to pass a patch in unified diff format as input. This is useful if you want to find the actual word changes in a diff generated by another program.

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GNUmed 0.6.rc4 is out

Written for GNUmed by shilbert on 2010-01-10

Karsten has uploaded 0.6.rc4:

The Changelog:

- can promote an episode to being a health issue
- can add home phone/external ID to newly created patient directly
- can track diagnostic certainty classification (ABCD) on episodes and issues
- can track procedures performed on a patient
- can do end user friendly free-text search across all EMRs
- can move all progress notes of a pre-selected list of encounters to another episode
- can manage provinces
- can manage substance intake
- can print medication list
- can print LaTeX as well as OOo letters
- can interface with German "MMI/Gelbe Liste" external drug database
        - show info on drug/substance by PZN / name
        - show interactions
        - import drugs/substances
- can display UI in Polish
- can include potential problems in problem list of soap plugin
- can remove DOB from person

- improved (more) placeholders
        - gender to re placement mapper
        - medication list
        - allergies list
- improved inbox

- improved tarballs: include schema/API docs, better names
- improved import path detection

Please test and find bugs !

GNUmed 0.5.0 released

Written for GNUmed by shilbert on 2009-10-04

I am proud to announce GNUmed 0.5.0 "The Lil' Louis" Release.

This has taken much longer than I would have hoped. There
has been a lot of functionality and usability testing going
on with tons of bugs getting fixed and lots of issues
straightened out.

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GNUmed Release 0.4.3

Written for GNUmed by shilbert on 2009-04-21

Hello all,

this, again, is a bug fix release in the 0.4 branch:

        0.4.2 -> 0.4.3

        NEW: enable removing RFE/AOE by emptying the encounter edit area field
        FIX: properly format encounter times in tooltip in tree browser
        FIX: properly find last-but-one encounter for an episode or issue

A database upgrade is, as usual, not needed:

        10.2 -> 10.3

        FIX: maintenance: make DB backup script actually do something

Get it here:

Please report bugs !


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Release 0.4.0 is out

Written for GNUmed by shilbert on 2009-04-21

Hello GNUmed community,

we are proud to announce version 0.4 of GNUmed. The version
0.4.0 has just been released. This release provides nice and
stable new features:

- can show log file from client on demand
- can merge two patients into one
- can edit existing progress note on any encounter
- can access text expansion macros by start-of-keyword
  (will show a list for selection)

- has new hook "after_new_doc_created"
- has minimum HIPAA compliance
- has waiting list
- has random access to plugins
- has screenshots on Linux include window decoration
- has local "installer" for tarball
- has a large part of the user interface translated
  to Brazilian Portuguese (thanks, Rogerio !)

Tarballs are, as usual, here:

Upgrading from the 0.3 branch WILL require a database
upgrade. This is done, again as usual, by the
script. Setting up a brand new v10 database is done by the script.

Many thanks to all the testers out there who helped us catch
bugs early !


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