golang-petname 1.0

Milestone information

Dustin Kirkland 
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golang-petname (1.0-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  * adverbs.txt, debian/control, debian/petname.install, debian/python-
    petname.install, __init__.py, Makefile, names.txt, petname.go.in,
    petname/petname.py, petname/petname.py.in, === removed directory
    petname, setup.py, update.sh:
    - rework to a golang only package, rename accordingly
  * debian/golang-petname.install, Makefile:
    - update build, install binary, fix name
  * debian/golang-petname.install, Makefile:
    - clean up, install in the right place
  * debian/control, debian/golang-petname.install, Makefile, update.sh
    => debian/update-wordlists.sh:
    - install binary into /usr/bin/golang-petname
    - build depend on petname, update wordlists at build time
  * adjectives.txt, adverbs.txt, names.txt:
    - drop txt files, we build depend on petname now
    - add license file
  * README.md:
    - update readme
  * cmd/petname/main.go, debian/copyright, README.md:
    - update readme, add local location of license
  * debian/golang-petname.install, golang-petname.1:
    - add a manpage
  * debian/update-wordlists.sh:
    - add instruction to sync README.md from upstream
  * === renamed symlink src/github.com/dustinkirkland/petname =>
    - fix symlink
  * debian/lintian-overrides:
    - ignore no-stripped, statically linked binary
  * README.md:
    - readme updated

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:07:44 -0600

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