Registered by john

This is a project to vastly improve web browsers so that they are all that is necessary.

In my opinion the greatest insanity in modern computing systems is manual installation. The main way to avoid installation is to use a web browser, so this project is mainly focused upon vastly improving web browsers so that they are sufficient.

Since pop-up blockers are ubiquitous today, the first development would be to eliminate the need for them by placing content in place and utilising zooming. The next thing is to create a standard versioning and undo system to allow services to create revise data segments. Ultimately, we should end up having a user interface similar to Jef Raskin's Archy.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
javascript, perl

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GoldOS does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.


  • Eliminate Menubars on 2009-12-31
    Recently there have been many moves to eliminate the menu-bar from the user i...
  • Microsoft Silverlight on 2009-09-08
    I have got my chess application running in Microsoft Silverlight now. This se...
  • GOLDOS Version 1.6! on 2009-09-07
    Today I would like to announce the launch of GoldOS version 1.6, this new rel...
  • Internet Explorer Support on 2009-09-06
    HTML User Interfaces:
  • Treeviews and Menus on 2009-09-05
    Treeviews are simply views of the tree data structure, a data structure in wh...