The way for Gweled 0.8

Written for Gweled by Daniele Napolitano on 2010-04-18

Hi at all!
For Gweled 0.8 release, the first since mantainer change (Gweled was originally developed by Sebastien Delestaing with contributions from the community), there are those remaining goals:
  * Drop MikMod library and use libCanberra (GNOME current standard for
sounds events) (canceled for this release)
  * Draw board background with GdkRectangle instead SVGs. (canceled for this release)
  * Get more translations.

Goals done:
  * Drop of libglade
  * Drop of libgnome
  * Better scores handling
  * Gettextization for translations (i18n)
  * Pause feature
  * Merge of Ubuntu patches

Updated .

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