gwt-strophe api-coverage

Milestone information

Johann Prieur
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File Description Downloads
download icon gwt-strophe-0.1.0.tar.gz (md5) gwt-strophe 0.1.0 source tarball 354
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
download icon gwt-strophe-0.1.0.jar (md5) gwt-strophe 0.1.0 jar 212
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
download icon ChangeLog (md5) ChangeLog 114
last downloaded 11 days ago
Total downloads: 680

Release notes 

This is an early release of gwt-strophe, GWT bindings for the Strophe JavaScript XMPP library.


View the full changelog

2009-10-15 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Moved Handlers at the end of the parameter list for
 Connection.sendIq and Connection.addHandler

2009-10-11 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added missing return statement in Connection.getUniqueId

2009-10-08 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Removed trailing spaces in license headers

2009-10-08 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Changed PubSub.Namespace visibility to public

2009-10-08 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented Connection.addTimedHandler and

2009-10-08 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Renamed Strophe into Utils

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added .bzrignore

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented marshalling of logging integer levels into
 Logging.Level enums

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Renamed Connection.Callback into Connection.StatusCallback

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Removed unused Logging.Level.fromCode(int)

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented marshalling of connection state integer codes into
 Connection.Status enums

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented Element.serialize

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented the logging related API in Logging

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Made Connection.Callback a static class as it does not depend
 on an enclosing instance

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented Element.forEachChild(String, Handler<Element>)

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented setRawInput(Handler<String>) and

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented setXmlInput(Handler<Element>) and

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Made of Handler a generic type

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Prepended MIT license header to

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Renamed Connection.ConnectionCallback into Connection.Callback
 and made it capable of generating its own JavaScript wrapper

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Made Handler an abstract class capable of generating its own
 JavaScript wrapper

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Moved Element.Handler out of Element as Handler

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added bindings for the pubsub plugin API

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented Strophe.javaScriptArrayToArray

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Fixed Element.Handler javascript wrapper to return the handler
 boolean value

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Implemented Strophe.arrayToJavaScriptArray

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Modified Element.Handler.handle return type from void to boolean,
 to support the "repeating callback" behaviour

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Changed internal JavaScriptObject visibility to private to
 package for Builder and Connection

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Moved internal helpers arrayToJavaScriptObject and
 jsonToJavaScriptObject from Builder to Strophe

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Merged Connection.IqCallback and StanzaHandler into

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Fixed Connection.sendIq

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Moved some helpers from Strophe to Builder and Element

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added a Namespace enum reimplementing Strophe's default
 namespace set

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Using String[][] instead of Map<String, String> to specify
 attributes, in order to be able to use the { { "from",
 "<email address hidden>" }, { "to", "<email address hidden>"} } syntax

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Renamed 'IQCallback' into 'IqCallback'

2009-10-07 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Renamed 'JID' to 'Jid' and 'IQ' to 'Iq' in method names

2009-10-06 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Add source code to the jar distribution

2009-10-06 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added MIT LICENSE file and license headers in source files

2009-10-06 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added README file

2009-10-06 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Added ant build file

2009-10-06 Johann Prieur <email address hidden>

 Initial import

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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