Hachoir 0.6 series

Hachoir now supports file editing, so it's possible to change field values and add and remove fields. hachoir-strip is a example of use: this program removes metadata, video indexes, padding, etc. to create anonymous and smaller files. Hachoir can also open corrupted or truncated files; it can continue to parse the field even if minor errors occur. The project has been split into many components: hachoir (core), hachoir-parser (40 file format parsers), hachoir-metadata (metadata extractor), hachoir-urwid (file viewer), hachoir-grep (find a substring in a binary file), hachoir-wx (GUI).

Series information

Project drivers:
Victor Stinner
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

Download RDF metadata

Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for Hachoir 0.6 series.

Milestones and releases

All packages Distribution packaging

This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


0.6 does not have any download files.

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