Comment 3 for bug 1391898

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Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

I've said this on many occasions, so I'll say it again here just to make sure my belief is understood.

Quotas are for consumption of real resources that one can actually be charged for. The static limitations we have currently are implementation details to handle things like 'stack-list', which will consume a lot of memory and CPU in the engine that serves it, and in the database query that it runs. This is not the same as a nova quota or swift quota.

The ratio of cost for actual billable resources to heat-only resources like random string generators is infinitesimal. You can probably create a million random string generators and a Heat engine will go to stack complete in just a few seconds, most of that the momentary database churn while we update a million rows to CREATE_COMPLETE. One nova server though, will consume that memory and CPU for its life time.

I can see where there are enough people who think quotas should be there, that it's probably moot, and users should just be given what they want. I do not think the cost (complexity) is worth the obvious benefit (limitations on extremely cheap resources). However, if we also retain users because they're happier having an API for limiting users, then that is a benefit worth far more than the complexity.