HubSessions 1.6.0

Milestone information

Gaƫtan Delannay
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download icon PloneMeeting1.6.0.tar.gz (md5) HubSessions1.6.0 29
last downloaded 12 days ago
Total downloads: 29

Release notes 

HubSessions 1.6.0 includes many exciting new features:

(1) the meeting agenda and meeting decisions pages may now be "paginated" (ie only display 50 items per page for example). This has been done with AJAX, which improves performance and user experience;
(2) a lot of performance-related problems have been solved (some Governements using HubSessions had to tackle meetings with more than 200 items with a database of 450 users).
(3) Extensibility mechanisms have been generalized: any part of the software can now be customized by a plug-in.
(4) It is now possible to define "classifiers" in every meeting configuration. Classifiers are like "formal categories" that can be associated to every item proposed to a meeting.
(5) A new portlet "Todo" allows a given user to see in a single place all the actions he has to perform on HubSessions (validate items, give advice...)
(6) Some bugfixes

Descriptions of older versions (PloneMeeting) may be found at


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