Hugin 2014.0 series

* inherit many of the libpano improvements (of version 2.9.19)
* the translation plane variables Tpy and Tpp have been added to the GUI (better support for translation parameter, e.g. for nadir images, also pano with translation parameters can now rotated)
* improvement of the GPU remapping code (bug fixes in the glue code, added some missing GPU transformation, now also fisheye lenses are supported by GPU code)
* better support for line control point in Control points tab (it still requires that the same image is displayed left and right for full features, but also better support for line control points above several images)
* obsolete programs matchpoint, nona_gui and PTBatcher have been removed
* outdated translation have been removed from the default install
* initialize the colour balance values during loading with EXIF values (this information is only stored and decoded by some cameras (mainly models by Panasonic, Pentax, Olympus, Nikon))
* improved the assistant
* allow customization of exiftool command used to copy metadata to output images* new command line tools for CLI processing
** pto_mask: manipulate mask in project file
** pto_template: apply template to project file
** pto_move: move or copy project files with all associated images

Series information

Project drivers:
Hugin Developers, hvdwolf
Release manager:
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
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Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for Hugin 2014.0 series.

Milestones and releases

16 of 6 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Hugin 2014.0.0 2014-10-08
Hugin 2014.0rc4 2014-05-31
Hugin 2014.0rc3 2014-05-18
Hugin 2014.0rc2 2014-04-27 A few bugs have been fixed since rc1
Hugin 2014.0rc1 2014-02-19
Hugin 2014.0beta1 2014-01-01
16 of 6 results

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All packages Distribution packaging

This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
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Latest version is 2014.0.0

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