Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #1246364: regression: update-notifier stopped showing a tray icon in xubuntu and other desktops Low Confirmed 196 weeks
Bug #329389: "Party mode" ununderstandable and undocumented Low In Progress 206 weeks
Bug #1641671: Cronjob /etc/cron.daily/update-notifier-common sends too many e-mail messages High Confirmed 340 weeks
Bug #1458322: NetworkManager doesn't hide virtual interfaces (e.g. Docker, VMWare) Medium Confirmed 355 weeks
Bug #1606974: Quicklist menu action doesn't respect global delay (Zesty) Undecided New 380 weeks
Bug #1640422: iscsid.startup setting conflicts with systemd High Confirmed 388 weeks
Bug #1387274: fails to start due to missing /etc/libuser.conf Utopic High Confirmed 395 weeks
Bug #1481536: "cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?" error unlocking / decrypting LUKS volume at boot High Confirmed 418 weeks
Bug #1564317: Successful return code on encoding error Undecided New 422 weeks
Bug #1560551: Cannot restore Twinkle from system tray Medium Confirmed 423 weeks
Bug #1391673: error creating new machine with "Fedora20+" profile Medium Confirmed 430 weeks
Bug #1436405: Duplicate menu (both unity and in-app) for Qt5 apps Medium Confirmed 441 weeks

From: sanket
Link: smime.p7s

Bug #1488939: kill -L behaviour (is it a doc or code error?) High Confirmed 448 weeks
Bug #1478173: Ambiance & Radiance themes are missing a "background-color" for tooltip elements (needed for GTK3-enabled Firefox Nightly) Medium Confirmed 458 weeks

From: Daniel Holbert
Link: patch

Bug #1385868: Samba logrotate script uses invalid argument to /etc/init.d/nmdb Medium Confirmed 461 weeks
Bug #1409172: Repeat in a sentence Medium Confirmed 486 weeks
Bug #1297849: [SRU] Virtual private network connection fails after distribution upgrade due to outdated Network Manager configuration files High Confirmed 495 weeks
Bug #1248174: Update the Ubuntu colour palette to fit the spec Low Triaged 508 weeks
Bug #1272870: No context pane plugin for rhythmbox installation (Trusty/Utopic/Vivid) High Confirmed 529 weeks
Bug #636448: Authentication doesn't explicitly ask for the user's password Low Triaged 596 weeks

From: Reuben Swartz
Link: the patch

Bug #1001646: kdenlive0.9-1 is missing xine for DVD preview Wishlist Triaged 624 weeks
Bug #857780: Grammar and Formatting Error in Control File Low Confirmed 658 weeks
Bug #388904: Nautilus 'Computer' displays redundant labels Low Triaged 663 weeks

From: Sérgio Faria
Link: patch

Bug #602832: system-config-printer-gnome description in software center geeky and incomplete Low Confirmed 692 weeks
Bug #648424: Export doesn't deal with different files with same filename Undecided New 708 weeks
Bug #507964: Application Switcher keybinds conflicts with gnome default Low Triaged 746 weeks
Bug #15495: "Archive Manager" doesn't mean anything if you don't know what an "archive" is Wishlist Triaged 775 weeks
Bug #76449: Cannot sort static playlists Low Confirmed 800 weeks
128 of 28 results