Second release candidate of igotu2gpx 0.3.0 released

Written for igotu2gpx by Michael Hofmann on 2009-09-27

The second release candidate of igotu2gpx 0.3.0 has been released.

Igotu2gpx is a Linux/Mac OS X/Windows GUI and command line program to show the
configuration, dump and clear the internal flash and decode the stored tracks
and waypoints of a' MobileAction i-gotU USB GPS travel logger. It uses libusb,
so no special kernel drivers are needed.

Binary releases and source tarballs are available from
Ubuntu packages are available from
Report bugs at

Changes since version 0.2.91:
- Support for GT-100
- SSL support for update notifications
- Dutch translation thanks to Peter Florijn
- French translation thanks to Inti Raymi
- Polish translation thanks to Jakub Kowalski

If you would like igotu2gpx in your language, go to and help translating!

Subscribe to the igotu2gpx-users mailing list at to be notified of new versions.

Let me know how it goes. Comments, bugs, translations, bug fixes and feature
requests welcome!

Updated .

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