Comment 16 for bug 215902

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In , Chris Wilson (ickle) wrote :

(In reply to comment #6)
> Is there anything I can do to help fix the problem? I did try digging into the
> code, but I am afraid it's rather above me. Perhaps with some pointers as to
> where to look, or some hand-holding, I could do some of the drudge work?

Well, we know the problem is stroking dashes under a fallback image so the issue is likely to be confined to _cairo_stroker_line_to_dashed() in src/cairo-path-stroke.c (and its inputs). If you are interested, I'd read through that function taking note of what matrices are used and then tracing back to see their construction. Then either you spot the problem straight-away, or you can start comparing the difference between difference fallback resolutions. If you can join us on irc, in #cairo on, we'll happily help you learn the code and assist in whatever way we can.