IntelHex 2.1 released

Written for IntelHex by Alexander Belchenko on 2016-04-01

New version brings better support for Python 3 and several new features from our contributors.

Full changelog:

- Better Python 3 compatibility when ```` and ```` scripts are trying to read/write binary data from stdin or to stdout. (GitHub issue
- API changes: added ``IntelHex.segments()`` method that returns a list of ordered tuple objects, representing contiguous occupied data addresses. (Andrew Fernandes)
- New command-line script ```` to print summary about hex files contents (file name, start address, address ranges covered by the data) in YAML format. (Andrew Fernandes)
- The main activity of the IntelHex project slowly drifting towards GitHub - the main social network for OSS developers. I'd really like to get some help from additional maintainer though.
- API changes: ``IntelHex.dump()`` method gets new optional parameters: ``width``, ``withpadding`` to control generation of output text. (patch from GitHub user durexyl)
- Script ```` gets new option ``--width`` to support corresponding parameter in ``IntelHex.dump()`` method.

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