INX 1.0 Released

Written for "INX Is Not X" by Peter Garrett on 2008-10-06

The INX team is proud to announce the release of "INX Is Not X",
 Version 1.0.

 INX is a "Live CD" distribution of GNU/Linux, derived from
 Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS, but using "ubuntu-minimal" and "ubuntu-standard"
 as a base. It is console only, without any graphical "X" programs.

 INX is intended as a "tutorial" and introduction to the Bash
 command line, but is a fully capable, portable GNU/Linux system in
 its own right. It has a collection of easy-to-use menus, colour
 themes, easy configuration tools, music (and video on the frame buffer),
 some games, and several surprises for those who are not aware of
 what can be done in a console/tty.

 INX is fun, and not intimidating for console beginners.

 INX 1.0 also includes new features; you can now set up wireless
 with the "Ceni" tool from the INX "Net & Web" menu. You can
 use your mouse with programs like xlinks2, elinks, mc, and the jed
 text editor. In addition to the powerful GNU Screen program, INX
 now sports the "Dvtm" Dynamic Virtual Terminal Manager,
 a "tiled terminal manager".

 You can view a list of extra packages included in INX 1.0 at:

 See how it looks:

 Download link:


 Please join the torrent swarm if you can, and seed generously!

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